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Category: 705 pharmaceuticals and cosmetics machines
Date: 11.12.2024 add to watchlist
item-No.: 165873662


Location: Ulm Land-de

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Vial blister machine Manufacturer: Uhlmann Model No.: UPS4 Serial Number: 460 Bottles Carton Packaging 2 bottle feeders PACCONTROL PCL Production capacity: • 15 to 50 cycles/min up to a punching depth of 12 mm • 15 to 40 cycles/min up to a punching depth of 28 mm Maximum feed length: 222 mm Format range: longitudinal 220mm x transverse 284mm Actual format: • Tray for 10ml ampoule (Ø17.5×87) and 10ml vial (Ø15×50), tray dimensions (LxWxH): 99x54x26 • Tray for five 10ml vials (Ø24×50), tray dimensions (LxWxH): 146x66x26 • Tray for a 10ml vial (Ø24×50), tray dimensions (LxWxH): 99x54x26

Category: 402 packing machines / Blister packaging machines
Date: 25.11.2024 add to watchlist
item-No.: 165709891


Location: Ulm Land-de

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Blister Machine Manufacturer: Uhlmann Type UPS 1070 Output 15 – 200/cycles min. Film width min. 150 mm – max. 300 mm including colour and filling material control, make Scanware, type LYNX Spectra CL/HR Blister machine with side channel blower 2016 new sealing head with adjustment dome Dimensions: 8000 mm length x 1800 mm width x 1900 mm height, weight approx. 7 tons

Category: 705 pharmaceuticals and cosmetics machines / Blister machines
Date: 19.11.2024 add to watchlist
item-No.: 165645553


Location: Ulm Land-de

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Blister Machine Manufacturer: Uhlmann Type UPS 1070 Output 15 – 200/cycles min. Film width min. 150 mm – max. 300 mm including colour and filling material control, make Scanware, type LYNX Spectra CL/HR Blister machine with side channel blower 2016 new sealing head with adjustment dome Dimensions: 8000 mm length x 1800 mm width x 1900 mm height, weight approx. 7 tons

Category: 403 labeling machines
Date: 28.10.2024 add to watchlist
item-No.: 165445001
New in: 2020


Location: Ulm Land-de

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Labeling with serialization Manufacturer: Uhlmann Type USP 2 Year of manufacture 2020 Serialization, capacity max. 300 cartons/min. Composed of: 1. Print/verification module with REAJET HR printing system and Visio Read camera system. 2. Tamper-evident protection module for labels on the front and back of the folding box. Format range: Folding carton width A: min. 30 mm, max. 130 mm Folding box height B: min. 15 mm, max. 105 mm Folding carton length H: min. 67 mm, max. 240 mm Max. oversquare format A/B = 1.5 Folding carton weight max 300 g GMP, last use Pharmaceutical

Category: 705 pharmaceuticals and cosmetics machines
Date: 28.10.2024 add to watchlist
item-No.: 165444999
New in: 2020


Location: Ulm Land-de

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Labeling with serialization Manufacturer: Uhlmann Type USP 2 Year of manufacture 2020 Serialization, capacity max. 300 cartons/min. Composed of: 1. Print/verification module with REAJET HR printing system and Visio Read camera system. 2. Tamper-evident protection module for labels on the front and back of the folding box. Format range: Folding carton width A: min. 30 mm, max. 130 mm Folding box height B: min. 15 mm, max. 105 mm Folding carton length H: min. 67 mm, max. 240 mm Max. oversquare format A/B = 1.5 Folding carton weight max 300 g GMP, last use Pharmaceutical

Category: 403 labeling machines
Date: 16.09.2024 add to watchlist
item-No.: 164993915
New in: 2021


check MLTC-Europe
Location: 40141 Bologna Land-it

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VIAL LABELLING & CARTONING LINE HERMA/UHLMANN Vial labelling & packing line for vaccines, etc. in 2R vials (diameter of 16 +/- 0.25 mm x height of 35 +/- 0.5 mm) and 3 ml. vials (diameter of 16.25 +/- 0.15 mm x height of 35 +/- 0.5 mm). Consists of Herma132M HC labeller (400/min.), with infeed rotary table suitable for PP-trays with inner dimensions of 428 x 244 x 42 mm (LxWxH) Videojet DataFlex 6530 thermal transfer printer (up to 3 lines each of max. 18 variable alphanumeric characters) for printing the variable data on the labels (expiry date, batch no., etc.) with camera print and code checking, luminescence sensors for checking the presence of the labels with reject system Siemens S7-1500 PLC, with Siemens IPC 277E 12'' color touchscreen - LiPro feeding system with DELTA robot system for inserting the vials into the trays (Pick&Place”), C2155 horizontal cartoner  ...

Category: 404 carton packaging machines / Folding box cartoning machines
Date: 08.01.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 164910385


check Knoll VpA
Location: Land-de

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Uhlmann C 130 horizontal cartoning machine - Fully automatic blister strip packaging and simultaneous feeding of package inserts - Further information on request

Category: 407 thermoforming packaging machines / Deep drawing machines
Date: 08.01.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 164429147


check Knoll VpA
Location: 89185 Hüttisheim Land-de

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Hopper and vibratory trough for Uhlmann UPS

Category: 404 carton packaging machines / Folding box cartoning machines
Date: 08.01.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 163582953


check Knoll VpA
Location: 89185 Hüttisheim Land-de

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Uhlmann C 130 horizontal cartoning machine - Fully automatic blister strip packaging and simultaneous feeding of package inserts - max. output 120 FS/min / depending on product Format: L= 70 x 150mm W= 30 x 100mm H= 15 x 85mm New hardware and software PLC Mitsubishi control and 8 inch color touch panel 10-year spare parts procurement warranty Mechanically overhauled Accessories optional: - GUK brochure folder 4-fold folding - Cognex 1D Barcode and 2D Matrix Codes Reading System for Leaflet and Carton Code - Luminizens control, presence control for package inserts in folding boxes - Embossing station - Brochure insertion -Vacuum pump

Category: 705 pharmaceuticals and cosmetics machines / Blister machines
Date: 02.12.2024 add to watchlist
item-No.: 162607191
New in: 2002


check Bischoff & Munneke GmbH
Location: Land-de

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Equipped for ALU/PVC and ALU/ALU operation • Blister format range (W x L) min. 50 x 22 mm / max. 156 x 115 mm • Drawing depth max. 12 mm • Capacity 15 - 50 mould cycles/min • Transport length 42-115 mm • Film width 100-168 mm • Moulded foil Ø max. 450 mm, core Ø 76 mm (PVC) / 150 mm (ALU), pneumatic clamps • Cover film Ø max. 240mm, core Ø 76 mm, pneumatic clamp • Glue joint detection for moulded and sealing film • Product feeder Uhlmann SimTab 2.1 for tablets/capsules • Feed according to moulds and seals • Print image control with cover film stretching • Crack and pore control moulding film and cover film Visiotec VisioScan MT-160/200 • Forming station with compressed air for PVC molding film • Heating station with suction for the use of PVDC foil • Mechanical forming station for ALU moulded foil • Contents control VisioChrom color wit ...

Category: 404 carton packaging machines / Cartoning machines
Date: 09.12.2024 add to watchlist
item-No.: 161516593
New in: 1995


Location: Land-ch

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Cartoner for closing blister in corresponding boxes. Machine incl. GUK-leaflet folder, unit for booklet feeding system etc. Machine is in line with the blister machine, type UPS 1040.

Category: 409 other packaging machinery / Blister packaging machines
Date: 10.10.2024 add to watchlist
item-No.: 161085770
New in: 1995


Location: Land-ch

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Universal blister machine in the medium to high-speed category. Suitable for processing tablets/coated tablets in corresponding blister for Alu/PVC, or Alu/Alu foils. Machine is fitted with a Simtap-feeding system. Output: up to 600 blisters/min. The blister machine is in line with the cartoning machine, type C2205.

Category: 410 spare parts for packaging machines
Date: 08.01.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 158959000


check Knoll VpA
Location: Land-de

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Control panel Pacmation made of Uhlmann C130 YOC 1996

Category: 404 carton packaging machines / Folding box cartoning machines
Date: 08.01.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 157865161


check Knoll Vpa
Location: Land-de

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DESCRIPTION: • Format range folding carton B 30-100, H 15-75, L 70-200 mm • Capacity 10-80 folding cartons/min, clocked • For offset plug-in closure on both sides • Centrally adjustable cup chain • Product feed for blister via blister stack shaft • Monitoring of packaged goods height in cup chain • Code reading Laetus Argus 4 for 2x brochure code (front + back), 1x folding carton code, 1x brochure presence in folding carton • Brochure folding and inserting machine from the magazine GUK FA 21/4 Cartonac 91 • Colour embossing station for folding flap opposite the insertion side, 2-line, with embossing numbers • Poor ejection with anti-ejection control • Vacuum generators • SPS Eberle PLS 514 • Connection 400V/50Hz

Category: 404 carton packaging machines / Folding box cartoning machines
Date: 08.01.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 157660111
New in: 1991


check Knoll Vpa
Location: Land-de

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Folding carton boarding machine Uhlmann C 100 LB • Format range folding carton B 30-100, H 15-75, L 70-200 mm • Capacity 10-80 folding cartons/min, clocked • For offset plug-in closure on both sides • Product feed for blister via blister stack shaft • Code reading Laetus Argus for 2x brochure code (front + back), 1x folding carton code, 1x brochure absence in folding carton • Brochure folding and inserting machine from the magazine GUK FA 21/4 Cartonac 91 • Colour embossing station for folding flap opposite the insertion side, 2-line, with embossing numbers • Poor ejection with ejection counter-control • Vacuum generators • SPS Eberle PLS 514 • Connection 400V/50Hz Optional: - New hardware/software Mitsubishi with 8" color Tuach Panel - Code reader Cognex - Validation documentation

Category: 409 other packaging machinery / Blister packaging machines
Date: 14.08.2024 add to watchlist
item-No.: 154207062
New in: 1984


Location: Land-ch

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Universal Blister machine with platen sealing for pharmaceutical production incl. various format parts and LYNX-5-fill control. The machine processes ALU/PVC blisters and is suitable for tablets, dragées und capsules. The forming an packing machine operates in single stroke (ET), i.e. all stations for the main functions forming, sealing and punching operate in the same cycle, while the film runs through the machine intermittently. Output: 15-50 cycles/min. at 12 mm forming depth | 15-40 cycles/min. at 28 mm forming depth.

Category: 705 pharmaceuticals and cosmetics machines / Blister machines
Date: 22.12.2020 add to watchlist
item-No.: 150382639
New in: 2001


Location: 21054 Fagnano Olona (VA) Land-it

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Machine code: IT352 Manufacturer: Uhlmann Model: UPS300 Year of construction: 2001 Uhlmann This is a fully automatic, intermittent motion Blisterpacking machine with a capacity up to 50 cycles per minute. The maximum output is 200 Blisters per minute depending on blister size. The machine is of ‘balcony construction’ - all relevant stations are individual modules, which are cantilevered off a large aluminium plate that forms the front of the machine housing. The remainder of the machine cabinet is constructed from fabricated steel and houses the drive unit, gear trains, chain drives and the electrical control equipment. PVC, PVC/PVDC, PVC/Aclar film is drawn from a reel and is first heated and softened and then deep-drawn in the blister forming station. The blisters are formed in the mould with the aid of compressed air – the web is then pulled forward, up and across  ...

Category: 410 spare parts for packaging machines
Date: 17.09.2024 add to watchlist
item-No.: 144964956


check Maschinenservice
Location: Land-de
Price: 1.299 € add to watchlist

Sell an ET feed fully assembled for a Uhlmann packaging machine UPS 1-4 Replacement feed overhauled

Category: 705 pharmaceuticals and cosmetics machines / Cartoning machines
Date: 14.10.2024 add to watchlist
item-No.: 142307664


check Hauser Maschinen e.K.
Location: Land-de

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Uhlmann C2504 continuous motion cartoner, carton size range min. 30x15x65 mm (AxBxH), max. 80x90x155 mm (AxBxH) Blister/tray size range min. 30x3.5x60 mm (LxWxH), max. 75x12x150 mm (LxWxH), suitable for blister count from 1 - 12 blisters per carton, Leaflet/Booklet feeder (leaflets/booklets are automatically taken from their carton/trays and placed into the infeed system), the machine is also prepared to accept a GUK leaflet folder and feeder. Includes Wolke m600 advanced inkjet printer for variable data and codes, set up for reverse tuck cartons with Nordson PROblue 4 hot melt glue system for tamper evidence. The cartons discharge though a Pago Pagomat 6/2 labeller for top labelling (vignette/bollino) Electrics 400 V/230 V/50 Hz, 20 A, connected load 10kW Compressed air 6-10 bar Machine footprint ca. 7289 x 2041 mm (LxW) Height ca. 2254 mm Machine nett weight ca. 8000 kg Output u ...

Category: 705 pharmaceuticals and cosmetics machines / Blister machines
Date: 02.03.2021 add to watchlist
item-No.: 135467230
New in: 1990


Location: INTIMAC - Fagnano Olona (VA) Land-it

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Power installed :11 Kw. Power consumption :5,5 Kw. Production :15, 50 strokes per minute for 12 mm depth forming 15, 40 storkes per minute for 28 mm depth forming Index :Max. 145, 222 mm Format range :forming area 220 mm length 188mm width Depth forming :12 and 28 mm, forming reel : 460 mm, covering reel :Max. 300 mm Forming thickness :Min. 0,1 mm, max. 0,5 mm Width covering foil : min. 90mm max. 210mm, of the internal reel : 70..76 water consumption :aprox. 0,1 m3/h. Compress air consumption :aprox. 6 Nm3/h , without pre heating :aprox.14Nm3/h, with pre heating

Category: 705 pharmaceuticals and cosmetics machines / Blister machines
Date: 02.03.2021 add to watchlist
item-No.: 135467196


Location: INTIMAC - Fagnano Olona (VA) Land-it

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Thermoformer - UPS4 Year - 1993 Min. - Max. Forming width - 62 - 226mm Cycles - 15 - 50 cycles/minute Forming depth - PVC - 12mm ALU - 10mm Blister Format - Min. - 60mm Max. - 140x39mm Punching Area - Length - 226mm Width - 284mm Forming Film width - Min. - 100mm Max. - 298mm Lidfoil Width - Min. - 100 Max. - 298 Tooling - PVC/Alu - 6 Blister line size 39x94mm Alu/Alu - 7 Blister line size 38x86mm Machine Control- PacControl version 2.17 Camera – not included Hapa Printer - H-231-1

Category: 705 pharmaceuticals and cosmetics machines / Cartoning machines
Date: 02.03.2021 add to watchlist
item-No.: 135432474
New in: 2006


Location: INTIMAC - Fagnano Olona (VA) Land-it

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The Cartoner C 2205 belong to the continuous cartoners for the exible packaging of small and medium sized batches. Convincing attributes include the GMP and pharmaceutically compliant cantilever design with V2A stainless steel lining of the inner surfaces, the modular structure for subsequent upgrading of separate stations, as well as the consistent separation of the drive elements and operating assemblies. Thanks to the patented carton feeders TwinStar and TriStar, the cartoner offer uniform top quality and productivity – not only under ideal production conditions but also when cartons of critical quality are processed. The 5 pitch Cartoner C 2205 is designed for a maximum output of 250 cartons/minute with an option of up to 300 cartons/minute. The machine packages blisters, ampoules . Technical details : Max Output 250 cartons per minute Pitch 5” Max carton size (AxBXH) 100 x 90 x  ...

Category: 705 pharmaceuticals and cosmetics machines / Cartoning machines
Date: 02.03.2021 add to watchlist
item-No.: 135432421
New in: 1990


Location: INTIMAC - Fagnano Olona (VA) Land-it

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Electrical consumption: 4.0 kW average consumption: 3.5 kW mechanical Speed max. 100 Cartons/minute product power supply: max. 300 blister/min Size: A x B x H Min. 30x15x70 mm Max. 100 x 85 x 150 mm Folding machine Prospectus Guk sizes. 3000 x 1300 x 1660 mm compressed air consumption 4-6 bar without elevation 1-2 Nm3/h with prospectus 5-8 Nm3/h Leatus for prospectus code, case and prospectus presence

Category: 705 pharmaceuticals and cosmetics machines / Blister machines
Date: 14.10.2024 add to watchlist
item-No.: 125761652


check Hauser Maschinen e.K.
Location: Land-de

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Uhlmann UPS5ET blister machine for alu/alu blisters, including Uhlmann 149 buffer system. Maximum blister size 272 x 284mm (draw x width), maximum depth 40mm. SyPro feeding system for syringes etc with flexible robotic arm and vacuum grip head. Seidenader camera product presence checking system, VISIOtec VisoScan blister integrity tester, gas flushing with Dansensor MAP Check Combi for measuring the gas content within the pack. Domino D550+ laser printer with Seidenader print control camera. Output up to 400 blisters per minute. As new, with only 350 production hours.

Category: 404 carton packaging machines
Date: 08.01.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 105318116


check Knoll Vpa
Location: Land-de

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Uhlmann C 100 horizontal cartoning machine - Fully automatic bottle packaging and simultaneous feeding of    leaflets - Max. Power 100 FS / min - Bottle length max. 150 mm Format: L = 70 x 130 mm B = 30 x 100 mm H = 15 x 85 mm New hardware and software PLC Mitsubishi control and 8 inch color touch panel mechanically overhauled Optional: - GUK folder folder 4 fold folding - Cognex 1D barcode and 2D matrix codes reading system for brochure leaflets    and carton code - Luminance control, presence check for leaflets in carton - embossing station - brochure feed - Vacuum pump / Venturi nozzle

Category: 404 carton packaging machines / Cartoning machines
Date: 08.01.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 26073007


check Knoll Vpa
Location: Land-de

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Uhlmann C 100 modified fully automatic blister Strip packaging and simultaneous feeding of leaflets 2016 - horizontal cartoning machine -Max power 100 FS / min Format: L = 70 x 150 mm B = 30 x 100 mm H = 15 x 85 mm New hardware and software PLC Mitsubishi control and 8 inch color touch panel Accessories: -GUK leaflet folding apparatus 4 Pocket fold -Cognex 1 d barcode and 2D matrix code reading system for prospectus leaflets and folding box code -Luminizenskontrolle, presence control for leaflet in folded box -Stamping station -Prospectus before insertion -Vacuum pump

Category: 1200 machines and plants for process engineering
Date: 08.02.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 166201309
New in: 2003


UCY Industrial GmbH
Location: Slovenia

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UHLMANN UPS 1030 MTI + C 2205 Blister packing line MAKE: Uhlmann TYPE: UPS 1030 MTI + C 2205 MODEL: 2003 / 2014 DESCRIPTION: Blister packaging line consisting of: Thermoforming blister machine Uhlmann UPS 1030 MTI and folding carton packaging machine Uhlmann C 2205. Major service 2014 by the manufacturer. Thermoforming blister machine UPS 1030 MTI (multi-cycle intermittent): • Set up for ALU/PVC-PVDC-PP operation / Alu/Alu cold forming prepared • Output punch max. 210 cycles/min • Output max. 600 blisters/min • Feed rate max. 144 mm • Blister width max. 255 mm • Drawing depth max. 10 mm • Roller stand • Dedicated feeder (standard feed channel vertical) for tablet / capsules • Sealing roller and preferential roller cooled • Product inspection with CCD colour camera VisioChrom retrofitted in 2014 • Compact station with embossing, perforation, die-cut ...

Category: 705 pharmaceuticals and cosmetics machines / Blister machines
Date: 08.02.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 164490331
New in: 2006


check Bischoff & Munneke GmbH
Location: Land-de

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• Set up for ALU/PVC and ALU/ALU operation • Format range blister (W x L) min 50 x 22 mm / max. 156 x 115 mm • Drawing depth max. 10 mm • Output 15 - 55 forming cycles/min • Transport length 42-115 mm • Film width 100-168 mm • Forming film Ø max. 450 mm, core Ø 76 mm (PVC) / 150 mm (ALU), mech. clamping • Cover film-Ø max. 240mm, core-Ø 76 mm, mech. tensioning • Splice Detection • Film feed after forming and sealing • Print mark control • Film stretching unit • Pin hole detection for form foil and lid foil, Visiotec VisioScan MT-160/200 • Heating plate station for PVC • Forming station with compressed air for PVC form foil, pre-equipped for pre-stretching die • Mechanical forming station for ALU forming foil • Filling control VisioChrom HR 302A1 with own UPS • Perforating station (heated) for scoring the forming film between the products to facilit ...

Category: 705 pharmaceuticals and cosmetics machines / Blister machines
Date: 08.02.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 162688905
New in: 1999


check Bischoff & Munneke GmbH
Location: Land-de

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Dedicated feeder for any tablets or capsules on blistering machines f.e. Uhlmann UPS 1070 • intermittent motion • for diverse product shapes • 60 strokes/min • format area max. 295 x 285 mm • own control unit, therefore universally applicable on different machines • suitable for Uhlmann rail system, easy mounting • incl. transport rack, mobile

Category: 705 pharmaceuticals and cosmetics machines / Blister machines
Date: 08.02.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 162688909
New in: 2002


check Bischoff & Munneke GmbH
Location: Land-de

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Set up for ALU/PVC and ALU/ALU operation • Format range blister (W x L) min 50 x 22 mm / max. 156 x 115 mm • Drawing depth max. 12 mm • Output 15 - 50 forming cycles/min • Transport length 42-115 mm • Film width 100-168 mm • Forming film Ø max. 450 mm, core Ø 76 mm (PVC) / 150 mm (ALU), pneumatic clamped • Cover film-Ø max. 240mm, core-Ø 76 mm, pneumatic clamped • Adhesive bonding point detection for sealing and forming film • Product feed by deticated feeder Uhlmann SimTab 2.1 for tablets/capsules • Forward feed after forming and sealing station • Tear and pore control for forme film and cover film Visiotec VisioScan MT-160/200 • Forming station with compressed air for PVC forming film • Heating station with extraction for the use of PVDC film • Mechanical forming station for ALU forming film • Filling control VisioChrom color with separa ...

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Manufacturer: UHLMANN

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