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sieving machines /Screening machines
date: 13.01.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 165602872


Location: Land-es

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GT-5013 Vibrating Screen Size: 2 m x 0.80 m Two motor vibrators

sieving machines
date: 14.01.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 166039136
New in: 2024


Location: ponderano Land-it

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FULLY AUTOMATIC DOCTOR BLADE SCREENING SYSTEM, Materials filtered : PP-LDPE-LLDPE-HDPE-PS-EPS-XPS-ABS-TPU, Components and technical features, - Filter diameter 400 mm - filtering surface 1.206 sqcm, - Machine central body derived from a single piece, - Electric motor and gearbox, - Nr. 2 scraping impellers for scraping operation complete with blades, - Nr. 2 Breakers for scraping operation (45mm + 8mm), - Nr 1 discharge slide (under the valve), - laser screens from 60 to 300 my (mesh from 230 to 50, - Punched screen from 400 to 2.000 my (mesh from 40 to 10), Electrical panel adaptable to UL/CSA standards, - 1 inverter for motor management, - 1 filter for inverter, - 3 thermoregulators and static relays for resistance management, - 3 thermocouples, - 2 interceptors with Melt probe for alarm and cleaning management, - Fuse protection for the various power supplies, - Machine status reporti ...

sieving machines
date: 12.01.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 119625870
New in: 1993


check Frank Sprengel Metallbearbeitungsmaschinen
Location: Land-de
Price: 2.350 € add to watchlist

Hydraulic rescue scissors operated with hydraulic pump (630bar) internal combustion engine. To be used as e.g. cable scissors for use in areas without power supply. 1 set with fuel-powered hydraulic unit 1 hydraulic scissors 1 hydraulic spreader All the goods in very good, ready-to-use condition. Special price

sieving machines
date: 14.01.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 166039137
New in: 2024


Location: ponderano Land-it

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FULLY AUTOMATIC DOCTOR BLADE SCREENING SYSTEM, Materials filtered : PP-LDPE-LLDPE-HDPE-PS-EPS-XPS-ABS-TPU, Components and technical features, - Filter diameter 500 mm - filtering surface 1.916 sqcm, - Machine central body derived from a single piece, - Electric motor and gearbox, - Nr. 2 scraping impellers for scraping operation complete with blades, - Nr. 2 Breakers for scraping operation (45mm + 8mm), - Nr. 1 discharge slide (under the valve), - laser screens from 60 to 300 my (mesh from 230 to 50, - Punched screen from 400 to 2.000 my (mesh from 40 to 10), Electrical panel adaptable to UL/CSA standards, - 1 inverter for motor management, - 1 filter for inverter, - 3 thermoregulators and static relays for resistance management, - 3 thermocouples, - 2 interceptors with Melt probe for alarm and cleaning management, - Fuse protection for the various power supplies, - Machine status report ...

sieving machines /Screening machines
date: 09.01.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 160642874
New in: 2003


check L. Koreman & Zn Handelsonderneming BV
Location: Land-nl

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Screening machine Hein Lehmann Brand: Hein Lehmann Type: flip/flop Screen area : 5300 x 1500 mm - 1 decker Drive: 11 kW electric motor Incl.: base.

sieving machines
date: 14.01.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 166039138
New in: 2024


Location: ponderano Land-it

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FULLY AUTOMATIC DOCTOR BLADE SCREENING SYSTEM, Materials filtered : PP-LDPE-LLDPE-HDPE-PS-EPS-XPS-ABS-TPU, Components and technical features, - Filter diameter 700 mm - filtering surface 3.807 sqcm, - Machine central body derived from a single piece, - Electric motor and gearbox, - Nr. 2 scraping impellers for scraping operation complete with blades, - Nr. 2 Breakers for scraping operation (80mm + 8mm), - Nr 1 discharge slide (under the valve), - Nr. 2 hydraulic pistons for lid opening, - laser screens from 60 to 300 my (mesh from 230 to 50, - Punched screen from 400 to 2.000 my (mesh from 40 to 10), Electrical panel adaptable to UL/CSA standards, - 1 inverter for motor management, - 1 filter for inverter, - 3 thermoregulators and static relays for resistance management, - 3 thermocouples, - 2 interceptors with Melt probe for alarm and cleaning management, - Fuse protection for the vario ...

sieving machines /Screening machines
date: 09.01.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 160904514
New in: 2005


check L. Koreman & Zn Handelsonderneming BV
Location: 6222 NS Maastricht Land-nl

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Screening machine Främbs & Freudenberg 24/65-1 Brand: Främbs & Freudenberg Type: Euroclass Screen area: 6500 x 2400 mm - 1 decker Drive: 18.5 kW electric motor incl.: springs

sieving machines
date: 14.01.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 166039139


Location: ponderano Land-it

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The most cost effective solution for extruders up to 3.000 kg/h., Very compact shape, less metal to heat up., High resistance to pressures line (up to 350 bar)., Minimum material waste due to the continuous cotamination removal., Adjustable speed of the discharge screw allows the finest handling. Continuous cleaning allows to use filters longer than traditional technologies., Pressure is kept constant all the time for a more even process, Easy maintenance: filter replacement easier and faster, without removing machine’s components. Also available with an automatic opening system that makes opening and closing lid’s operations easier, faster and safer., Double screening system : 2 x Ø 370 mm., With laser screens (from 60 to 350 µm), punched screens (from 400 to 2000 µm),, metallic mesh screens (from 230 to 10 mesh)., Bespoke screens available since they are produced in-house., Lase ...

sieving machines /Screening machines
date: 09.01.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 160209239
New in: 2006


check L. Koreman & Zn Handelsonderneming BV
Location: 6222 NS Maastricht Land-nl

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Screening machine Kleemann 15.5/50-3 Brand: Kleemann Screen area: length 5000 mm, width 1550 mm - 3 deckers Upper deck: screen opening [] 75mm Middle deck: screen opening [] 40mm Lower deck: screen opening [] 20mm Incl.: 15 kW electric motor and springs.

sieving machines
date: 14.01.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 166039140
New in: 2023


Location: ponderano Land-it

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The most cost effective solution for extruders up to 2.000 kg/h (over 2.000 kg/h, see our item [SBG800](.germanplast.eu/listings/5070212-italian-fully-automatic-scre enchanger-doctor-blade-system)), You can afford one now to improve your material quality and (your workers job), Available in Ø 400-500-600-700 mm., With laser screens (from 60 to 350 µm), punched screens (from 400 to 2000 µm),, metallic mesh screens (from 230 to 10 mesh)., Bespoke screens available since they are produced in-house., Laser and punched screens withstand wear and high temperatures.They can be cleaned in a pyrolytic oven to be re-used several times., Counter-flow cleaning system, suitable for light contamination, is used with economical metal mesh., Compact, very easy maintenance., Low material waste., Contact us with your projects details:, - Kind of material, - MFI, - Throughput rate in kg/h, - % and kind  ...

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sieving machines /Screening machines
date: 09.01.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 160860308
New in: 2003


check L. Koreman & Zn Handelsonderneming BV
Location: Land-nl

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Screening machine Binder 24/60-1 Brand: Binder Type: KS 2400/6 Screen area : 6000 x 2400 mm – 1 decker Screen opening upper deck: [] 8 mm Screen opening lower deck: [] 4 mm Drive: Electric motor 18.5 kW

sieving machines
date: 14.01.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 165537650
New in: 2004


check Biringer International GmbH
Location: merkenbrechts Land-at

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Type: R222, 2 deck screening plant, 8980 h, screen length: 4.80 m, screen width: 1.50 m, with tilting grate bunker, 29200 kg dead weight

sieving machines /Screening machines
date: 09.01.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 160653502
New in: 1999


check L. Koreman & Zn Handelsonderneming BV
Location: 6222 NS Maastricht Land-nl

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Screening machine IBAG Brand: Ibag Type: Grizzly Screen surface: 3500 x 1600 mm Screen opening: 40 mm Drive: 18 kW electric motor Incl.: base.

sieving machines
date: 14.01.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 165130434
New in: 2022


check Biringer International GmbH
Location: merkenbrechts Land-at

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Drum screening plant on tandem chassis, 2500kg EC, hot-dip galvanized conveyor belts, simple and safe operation with electric drive, cleaning brush, 1m³ feed hopper, screening capacity 20-30m³/h, transport length 5.7m, feed height 2.35m, ! ONLY 150h !

sieving machines /Screening machines
date: 09.01.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 160405487
New in: 2004


check L. Koreman & Zn Handelsonderneming BV
Location: 6222 NS Maastricht Land-nl

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Screening machine Kleemann 20/52-3 Brand: Kleemann Screen area: length 5200 mm, width 2000 mm – 3 deckers Incl.: 18,5 kW electric motor.

sieving machines
date: 13.01.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 165450683


check F1-TRADE GmbH
Location: Emskirchen - Nürnberg

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Vertikale Ballenpresse / Vertical Waste Baling Press Pöttinger MP 600 ASerial-No. 5110176 Einfüllhöhe / Loading High max. 1070mm Einfüllöffnung / Filling opening 700 x 500mm Presskasten / Pressing box 700 x 500 x 900mm Ballenformat / Bale format max. 700 x 500 x 500mm Ballengewicht / Bale weight 40 - 80Kg Anzahl Umreifungen / Vertical binding 2 Online-Video-Inspection by Skype-VideoWe would be very pleased with your visit - more machines on StockAvailable Immediately - Can be inspectOn Stock Emskirchen / Nürnberg - Can be test

sieving machines /Screening machines
date: 02.01.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 157457409
New in: 1999


check Brand GmbH
Location: 01587 Riesa Land-de

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Resonance screening machine, Screening machine, Vibrating screen, Linear screening machine used Manufacturer: Binder + Co AG TYPE: SL1000GX.6.7 Year of construction: 1999 Sieve: 2 levels each approx. 4.2 x 0.9 m Upper level: Longitudinal grid with approx. 13 mm distance Lower level: plastic screen with approx. 9 x 9 mm mesh size Insertion height approx. 1.5 m Dimensions without drive approx. 6800 x 1700 x 1800 mm Resonance screens are used in the dry and wet screening of round and edge grain as well as leafy materials. They work according to the throwing principle. This machine was used in a glass recycling plant. Changes and errors in the technical data, information and prices as well as prior sale reserved.

sieving machines
date: 13.01.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 165450971
New in: 2001


check F1-TRADE GmbH
Location: Emskirchen - Nürnberg

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Kanalventilator Absaugung - Duct Fan ZENNER VTZ 560/50/2-W (Absaugung - Extraction) Baujahr / Year 2001 - Serial-No. 64.031 Volumenstrom / volume flow 2.21 m3/s Totaldruckerhöhung / total increase of pressure 3880 Pa Dichte / density 1.2 kg/m3 Drehzahl / Speed 2920 min-1 Kupplungsleistung / required performance 14.4 kW Temperatur / temperature max. 80°CZum absaugen von Holzspänen oder Papierresten For vacuuming wood chips or paper residue Online-Video-Inspection by Skype-VideoWe would be very pleased with your visit - more machines on StockAvailable Immediately - Can be inspectOn Stock Emskirchen / Nürnberg - Can be test

sieving machines /Screening machines
date: 02.01.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 153835708


check Brand GmbH
Location: 01587 Riesa Land-de

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Sieb ball mill used, completion and steel construction by arrangement Drum Ø ca. 2700 mm Drum width approx. 1200 mm The substructure can be offered by our own special machine construction. Changes and errors in the technical data, information and prices as well as intermediate sale reserved.

sieving machines
date: 13.01.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 165450972
New in: 2003


check F1-TRADE GmbH
Location: Emskirchen - Nürnberg

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Kanalventilator Absaugung - Duct Fan Coral PAP HP20 (Absaugung - Extraction) Baujahr / Year 2003 HP 20 REVS 2800 HZ 50 VOLT 380 / 660Zum Absaugen von Holzspänen oder Papierresten For vacuuming wood chips or paper residue Online-Video-Inspection by Skype-VideoWe would be very pleased with your visit - more machines on StockAvailable Immediately - Can be inspectOn Stock Emskirchen / Nürnberg - Can be test

sieving machines
date: 01.01.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 162985728


Location: Land-de
Price: 880 € add to watchlist

Chips Centrifuge 50 kg filling Delivery possible Please inquire with the place of postcode and whether there is unloading capacity. VAT not deductible.

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sieving machines
date: 13.01.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 165450973
New in: 2003


check F1-TRADE GmbH
Location: Emskirchen - Nürnberg

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Kanalventilator Absaugung - Duct Fan Coral PAP HP 7,5 (Absaugung - Extraction) Baujahr / Year 2003 HP 7,5 REVS 2800 HZ 50 VOLT 380 / 660Zum Absaugen von Holzspänen oder Papierresten For vacuuming wood chips or paper residue Online-Video-Inspection by Skype-VideoWe would be very pleased with your visit - more machines on StockAvailable Immediately - Can be inspectOn Stock Emskirchen / Nürnberg - Can be test

sieving machines /Screening machines
date: 22.12.2024 add to watchlist
item-No.: 166046902
New in: 1999


check L. Koreman & Zn Handelsonderneming BV
Location: 6222 NS Maastricht Land-nl

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Screening machine Nordberg Bergeaud 20/50-4 Brand: Nordberg – Bergeaud Type: CVB 2050 Screen area : 5000 x 2000 mm - 4 deckers Drive: 22 kW electric motor Incl.: Springs and spring console

sieving machines
date: 06.12.2023 add to watchlist
item-No.: 157724163


check J.G.M.N. Hensen Maschinenhandel B.V.
Location: Land-nl

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Widthness: 2.000 mm - 6 Decks - Year of Manufacture: 2001 - With 2 Pcs. Unbalance exciters, 15 kW / 970 RPM Electrical Motor and springs.

sieving machines /Screening machines
date: 22.12.2024 add to watchlist
item-No.: 166046901
New in: 1999


check L. Koreman & Zn Handelsonderneming BV
Location: 6222 NS Maastricht Land-nl

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Screening machine Nordberg Bergeaud 22/60-4 Brand: Nordberg – Bergeaud Type: Elivair 13 Screen area : 6000 x 2200 mm - 4 deckers Drive: two electric motors of 22 kW each Incl.: Springs and spring console

sieving machines
date: 06.12.2023 add to watchlist
item-No.: 162915351


check J.G.M.N. Hensen Maschinenhandel B.V.
Location: Land-nl

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Belt withness; 2.000 mm. (new belt) - With new control-unit . Eddy current separator is overhauled, sandblasted and painted.

sieving machines /Drum screening machines mobile
date: 19.12.2024 add to watchlist
item-No.: 165954140
New in: 2005


check W.Ladurner GmbH
Location: 45021 Badia Polesine Land-it

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Builder: TERRA SELECT Model: T5 Motor: PERKINS 55 kW (75 HP) Transp. Data: L. 11.150 mm x L. 2.550 mm x A. 4.050 mm Operat. Data: L. 14.100 mm x L. 6.800 mm x A. 3.900 mm Year: 2005 Working Hours: 3.200 h Hourly Production: 120 m³/h Screening: TROMMEL L. 4.500 mm x D. 2.000 mm Hopper Height: 2.820 mm Hopper Capacity: 4.40 m³ Discharge Belts: L. 4.900 mm x L. 900 mm Fuel Tank: 300 L Weight: 15.400 Kg

sieving machines
date: 06.12.2023 add to watchlist
item-No.: 162915352


check J.G.M.N. Hensen Maschinenhandel B.V.
Location: Land-nl

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Belt withness; 1.500 mm. (new belt) - With new control-unit . Eddy current separator is overhauled, sandblasted and painted.

sieving machines /Drum screening machines mobile
date: 19.12.2024 add to watchlist
item-No.: 165954139
New in: 2006


check W.Ladurner GmbH
Location: 45021 Badia Polesine Land-it

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Builder: KOMPTECH Model: MUSTANG Motor: PERKINS 75 kW (100 HP) Transp. Data: L. 10.500 mm x L. 2.550 mm x A. 3.950 mm Year: 2006 Working Hours: 7.500 h Hourly Production: 160 m³/h Screening: TROMMEL L. 5.500 mm x D. 2.000 mm Hopper Capacity: 5.0 m³ Discharge Belts: L. 5.000 mm x L. 900 mm Fuel Tank: 300 L Weight: 16.000 Kg

sieving machines
date: 06.12.2023 add to watchlist
item-No.: 162915357


check J.G.M.N. Hensen Maschinenhandel B.V.
Location: Land-nl

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With new Control-unit

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