
search and find a used machine

115.261 used machines on RESALE, but how to find them?

RESALE offers you various options for machine seek so that you can find the used machine you are looking for should it be offered. If you cannot find the used machine you are looking for, you have the opportunity to send a request to all used machine dealers in a machine category, see also at the bottom of the list of search options below.

You can seek for machines on RESALE in the following ways:

1. MachineSeek by keyword

You can enter up to three search terms (words or parts of words) in the following search field. This search is particularly suitable if you know exactly what you are looking for, know exact name of the manufacturer and model.

2. MachineSeek by advanced search

This machineseek option is suitable, if you achieve too many hits with option 1 above or are too imprecise. You can assign your search terms to individual fields (manufacturer, model, machine type etc.) and thus narrow down the search results. You also have other selection options. The disadvantage of this search option is that it takes more time.
