18 offers


18 offers

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(Category: 306)

Entry date: 20.06.2024 add to watchlist
item-No.: 164337343
New in: 2023


check Hidrobrasil GmbH
Location: 45892 Gelsenkirchen Land-de

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# Description text for the press If the press does not exactly meet your requirements, please request an individual offer exactly according to your wishes with one click: Contact us for an individual offer HIDROBRASIL manufactures presses exactly according to your wishes at surprisingly low prices! Mold opener-closer with 40 tons pressing force Table and ram size: 1500 x 1000 mm for heated tools Specifications: - Pressing force: 40 tons - Maximum open height: 1800 mm - Tappet travel: 1500 mm - Oil Temperature Monitoring: Electric Air Cooling - Lubrication: Manual via grease fitting - Extending table travel: 1200 mm - Extending table speed: 30 mm/sec - Electrically infinitely variable ram: 180 degrees - T-slots: According to customer requirements - Pressure setting: From 10 tons to 40 tons - Monitor: 10" on the control cabinet for pressure adjustment and warning ...

Entry date: 05.12.2023 add to watchlist
item-No.: 162910274


Corado Kopania Krzysztof
Location: Land-pl
Price: 15.000 € add to watchlist

Set-out sleeve for quick montage

Entry date: 09.11.2023 add to watchlist
item-No.: 162780002


check Phönix VermarktungsAgentur
Location: Land-de
Price: 27.497 € add to watchlist

9 injection moulding tools for the production of rollers - along with a wide range of accessories As a result of a restructuring of our customer, we offer for sale 9 injection molds for the production of various types of castors for furniture and chair castors, including customer addresses. The pictures represent the basic nature of the different roles. These injection molds could be used to set up a complete production facility for the production of rolls. The basic body of the castors can then be supplemented with various inserts (depending on the customer's requirements) for final attachment to the end product, e.g. a chair. This offer also includes the following accessories - which are part of the production process: • 1 x punching tool (for the roller roller) • 1 x press (for pressing the pins and shafts) • 1 x automatic assembly machine for spring washers  ...

Entry date: 24.02.2023 add to watchlist
item-No.: 160910935


Location: Land-es

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Blow mold for carafe, 10 liters (Flask).

Entry date: 03.06.2022 add to watchlist
item-No.: 159090051


check Remax Kunststofftechnik
Location: 71272 Renningen Land-de

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according to pdf attached

Entry date: 16.02.2022 add to watchlist
item-No.: 158275262


Corado Kopania Krzysztof
Location: Land-pl
Price: 27.000 € add to watchlist

injection molds set for the production of house facade, a total of 4 pcs of large molds with a total weight of 12 tons

Entry date: 04.05.2021 add to watchlist
item-No.: 152692895
New in: 2021


check TechModus LT
Location: Land-de

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oven 10 - 1150 Celsius inner 1x1x2m plc auto door various size possible Härten Vergüten Härten von Kaltarbeitsstahl Härten von Warmarbeitsstahl Induktivhärten Flammhärten Anlassen / Glühen Bainitisieren Entspannen / Anlassen Anlassofen Aushärteö fen Chargentrockner Drucksinteröfen Durchlauföfen Kipp – Tiegelöfen Laboröfen siehe Lack – Einbrennöfen Lack – Trockenöfen Messing – Glühöfen Muffelöfen Magnesium –Schmelzöfen Ölversorgungsanlagen Ölbrenneranlagen Retortenöfen Teil-Vakuum Rollenherd - Durchlauföfen Rohrglühöfen Salzbadöfe n Schmiedeöfen Schachtöfen Stoßöfen Schüttelherd - Härteöfen Schutzgas Topfglühöfen Tiegelschmelzöfen Poreba Gurutzpe Tacchi Geminis Tos Amutio cazeneuve Skoda Morando Niles Colchester Heyligenstaedt Kramatorsk Mondiale Safop Cazeneuve Alzmetall mas stankoimport csepel carlton kolb soral ...

moulds /Double forms
Entry date: 24.03.2021 add to watchlist
item-No.: 151973938
New in: 2021


check BlowMolderSale
Location: Land-lt

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2 shapes, 4 cavities each suitable for Flexblow FB 4 One mold 355 ml, round bottle, neck Bericap 38-2. Bottle weight 25 g One mold square bottle1.420 ml (48 oz). Neck 38 mm. Bottle weight 65 g Immediately available

Entry date: 23.02.2020 add to watchlist
item-No.: 145212503


Corado Kopania Krzysztof
Location: Land-pl
Price: 10.000 € add to watchlist

Box for cycle - 3 pcs. new moulds price 10.000 Euro

Entry date: 28.12.2019 add to watchlist
item-No.: 144272534


Corado Kopania Krzysztof
Location: Land-pl

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molds fo caps 1. for glass jars coffe - Caps for glass jars coffe 72 mm and 65 mm - 1500 Euro 2. Saint Gabin - few moulds 6 cav. - 3.000 Euro

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Entry date: 22.12.2019 add to watchlist
item-No.: 144164060


Corado Kopania Krzysztof
Location: Land-pl
Price: 27.000 € add to watchlist

Set-out moulds for production PCV gutter diameter 130 mm for rain water – 17 pcs. Moulds ( made by IFW Austria DERASCON ) (embrace pipe trigger A and B ; jointly ; Holders ;outlet ; Knee ; Corners ; bottoms gutter )

Entry date: 22.12.2019 add to watchlist
item-No.: 144163984


Corado Kopania Krzysztof
Location: Land-pl
Price: 27.000 € add to watchlist

Forms 9 pcs. for the production of Styrofoam Pins A package of professional injection moulds for the production of pins for polystyrene ( 9 pcs. molds from 12-36 sockets ) Name 1 St. 10 / h – 120 mm 12 Cold Channel 2 Wedks 10 / h – 160 mm 12 Cold Channel 3 St. 10 / h – 180 mm 12 Cold Channel 4 Squid 10 / h – 200 and 220 mm 12 Hot channel 5 Squid 10 / h – 240 and 260 mm 12 Hot channel 6 Wed.5 nails /70, 90,120, 140 mm 36 Cold Channel 7 Wed.5 nails /160,180, 200, 220 mm 36 Cold Channel 8 Wed.5 nails /160,180, 200, 220 mm 36 Cold Channel 9 Nail caps 36 Cold Channel

Entry date: 22.12.2019 add to watchlist
item-No.: 144163978


Corado Kopania Krzysztof
Location: Land-pl
Price: 3.500 € add to watchlist

250 ml bottle form set with shampoo nut

Entry date: 26.11.2019 add to watchlist
item-No.: 143717723


Location: Land-hu
Price: 300 € add to watchlist

Used injection molding tools for the manufacture of plastic slippers. Offer total 43 pcs. refers to two cavities tooling and accessories. From small children (23) to men (45) in size, it is suitable for the manufacture of slippers of various types and colors. For sale total 12,900 Euro

Entry date: 26.11.2019 add to watchlist
item-No.: 143717705


Location: Land-hu
Price: 2.490 € add to watchlist

1 cavity from PP material mold sizes: 383x450x384 mm machine size min. 100 T

Entry date: 26.11.2019 add to watchlist
item-No.: 143717703


Location: Land-hu
Price: 1.800 € add to watchlist

2 pcs. molds with 1-1 cavity, automat with hot runnel control, PP material molds sizes both: 300x245x213 mm machine size min. 25 T

Entry date: 26.09.2018 add to watchlist
item-No.: 127679733
New in: 2020


Optimisense LLC
Location: Land-us
Price: 50.000 USD add to watchlist

motivated seller Edible Oil PET Preform Mould Cavities: 32 Product 1,5 liters Neck Finish 29mm Working Hours: 43.843 Hours Preform Weight: 41 Grams + Core Set for 36 Grams Husky G-line and X-line compatible

Entry date: 25.10.2017 add to watchlist
item-No.: 121176562


check pmh gmbh
Location: 53639 Königswinter Land-de

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COEX adapters for wide-slit nozzle up to 5 layers are possible with an appropriate module

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