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Category: 106 presses / Single Column Presses
Date: 14.01.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 166219912
New in: 1970


check Mieth Maschinenhandel
Location: 352166 Biedenkopf Land-de

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Offer 25020 Specifications: - Compressive force 200 t - Projection 400 mm - Table size approx. 1000 x 750 mm - Diarrhea hole in the table approx. 320 x 220 mm - Pushrod area 940 x 400 mm - Plunger adjustability 100 mm - Stroke adjustment 20 - 130 mm - Drive 380 V / 10 kW - Space requirement approx. W 1400 x H 2980 x D 2900 mm - Weight approx. 13000 kg

Category: 106 presses
Date: 07.02.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 166461822


Innovac GmbH
Location: Deutschland Land-de

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Pressing force: 1250kN, stroke rate: 55/min, max. switching frequency: 50/min, ram stroke: 8mm-120mm, ram adjustment: 80mm, power: 7.5kW, safety clearance: 340mm, weight: approx. 8700kg. The machine has a hairline crack on the main shaft. On-site inspection is possible.

Category: 109 other metal working machines
Date: 07.02.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 166201925


UCY Industrial GmbH
Location: Cologne, Germany

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Manufacturer: Ruhrmann Model : EVR 125 Pressing Force: 1250 kN Work Capacity: 11,000 Nm Stroke per Minute: 55 Maximum Switching Frequency/Min: 50 Stroke Adjustment Range (mm): 8–120 Ram Adjustment (mm): 80 Power Requirement (kW): 7.5 Safety Clearance (mm): 340 Machine Weight (kg): 7,100 Find more here - / Contact us at -

Category: 106 presses / Open Gap Eccentric Presses
Date: 07.02.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 166046411
New in: 1998


check Ambold Pressen GmbH
Location: Schmölln

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pressure: 80 t throat: 335 mm stroke: 8 - 100 mm no. of strokes: 60/90 Hub/min table surface area: 900 x 670 mm hole in the table: 280 x 200 mm dayligth: max. 450 mm ram adjustment: 80 mm ram surface: 700 x 450 mm tool dimension, max: 700 x 450 mm weight of tools max.: 140 kg total power requirement: 11,07 kW weight of the machine ca.: 6,5 t dimensions of the machine ca.: BxLxH 1,72 x 2,0 x 2,82 m The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

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