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Category: 1300 other machines and plants
Date: 07.09.2024 add to watchlist
item-No.: 125436619
New in: 2007


mhk - energie GmbH & Co. KG
Location: Land-de
Price: VB 650 € add to watchlist

A used fan is sold: Rippert RV80 - 800-765-B5 Year 2007 (2017 overhauled) 27000m ³/h Booster 1262PA

Category: 209 other wood working machines
Date: 06.02.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 165973026
New in: 2000


Location: Land-de
Price: 1.750 € add to watchlist

centrifugal fan, dust extraction fan, fan, suction, dust blower -Manufacturer: Rippert, centrifugal fan in soundproof housing -Type: HL560/710-200 -Motor: 5 kW 1435 rpm -Volume flow: 12,000 m³/h -Inlet/Outlet connection: Ø 500 mm, see photos -Dimensions: 1945/1515/H2350 mm -Weight: 600 kg

Category: 209 other wood working machines
Date: 06.02.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 165970492
New in: 1983


Location: Land-de
Price: 2.250 € add to watchlist

Centrifugal fan, dust extractor fan, fan, extractor, dust fan -Type: HL8-355/595-A -Motor power: 15 kW -Speed: 2900 rpm -Volume flow: 10,000 m³/h -Total pressure: 3500 Pa -Connection input: Ø 350 mm -Connection output: Ø 350 mm -Dimensions: 2000/1000/H1350 mm -Weight: 260 kg

Category: 209 other wood working machines
Date: 06.02.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 165978280


Location: Land-de
Price: 1.050 € add to watchlist

Centrifugal fan, dust extractor fan, fan, extractor, dust fan -for: painting wall, painting booth -Motor: Ex protected -Motor power: 3.6 kW -Speed: 1440 rpm -Connection input: O mm -Connection output: 450 mm -Dimensions: 1260/1100 / H815 mm -Weight: 188 kg

Category: 209 other wood working machines
Date: 06.02.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 165971380
New in: 1990


Location: Land-de
Price: 3.950 € add to watchlist

Radial fan, chip extractor, fan, suction, chip fan -Centrifugal fan in a galvanized housing, soundproofing -Motor power: 30 kW -Speed: 2920 rpm -Volume flow: 36000 m³/h -Total pressure: 1600 Pa -Connection input: Ø 800 mm -Connection output: Ø 750 x 600 mm -Dimensions: 2500/2350/H2700 mm -Weight: approx. 1500 kg

Category: 1107 other energy machinery
Date: 06.02.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 165970386


Location: Land-de
Price: 1.750 € add to watchlist

Ventilation system, comfort compact ventilation, heating system for classrooms, conference rooms, open-plan offices, restaurants -Volume flow: 6000 m³/h -Motor power: 1.85 kW -Dimensions: 1950/1100/H1200 mm -Weight: 260 kg

Category: 505 other machinery for waste disposal and recycling
Date: 07.02.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 166201596
New in: 1998


UCY Industrial GmbH
Location: Stuttgart, Germany

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Rippert HL9-630/1070-Bex Extraction system Type : HL9-630/1070-Bex Position : LG 0 Volume : 27,500 m³/h Pressure Increase : 3,750 Pa Density: 1.2 kg/m³ Power Input : 39.0 kW Temperature max: 40°C Temperature Medium: 40°C Motor Capacity : 45.0 kW Speed : 1,450 1/min (RPM) Max. Speed: 1,450 1/min (RPM) Special Speed: 1,450 1/min (RPM) Capacity: 100,000 m³/h Filter hoses: 462 pcs., 4190x140 mm Ø, PE – needle felt 400 g/m², antistatic, calendered, with test certificate class M, the filter hoses were only completely replaced in 12/2022 Support type: Spiral springs for hanging in tabs of the filter hoses Find more here - / Contact us at -

Category: 208 lacquer machines
Date: 06.02.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 166022963
New in: 2004


check Bödeker Holzbearbeitungsmaschinen GmbH
Location: Land-de

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Manufacturer: Rippert Düsentrockner, Type: DTK 041, Year: 2004, Work piece width min-max mm: 800, Channel length in mm: 7000, Revisionsklappen: yes, Gehäuse Wärmeisoliert mm: yes, Kanaltemperatur Grad: 50, Umluftleistung m³/h: 4600, Ex geschützt: no, Temperature regulation: yes, Min.-max. workpiece height in mm: 60, Conveyor lenght mm: 8000, Feedin speed m/min: 1-6, Belt conveyor: yes, Air speed in jets: 25 m/s, Flat spray nozzle: yes, Damper register - items: 1, Year :2004

Category: 209 other wood working machines
Date: 06.02.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 166022710


check Bödeker Holzbearbeitungsmaschinen GmbH
Location: Land-de

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Manufacturer: Rippert, Filter system - positive pressure: yes, Volume flow rate m³/h: ca. 7.500, Number of filter filter gallerys: 2, Required space L x W x H mm: 4.800 x 1.800 x 4.700,

Category: 208 lacquer machines
Date: 06.02.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 166023249
New in: 1990


check Bödeker Holzbearbeitungsmaschinen GmbH
Location: Land-de

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Manufacturer: Rippert, Year: ca 1990, Work piece width min-max mm: 1300, Min.-max. workpiece length in mm: 350, Min.-max. workpiece height in mm: 80, Number of lamps: 2, Lampen gerade eingebaut: 2, Lampen von unten: no , Adjustable: halblast, Conveyor lenght mm: ca. 2500, Year :ca 1990

Category: 208 lacquer machines
Date: 06.02.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 166024069
New in: 2000


check Bödeker Holzbearbeitungsmaschinen GmbH
Location: Land-de

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Manufacturer: Rippert, Type: HOW TK 8000, Year: 2000, Control: yes, Channel width in mm: 1400, Channel height in mm: 2050, Channel length in mm: 8000, Chain transportation system length in mm: 13.900, Thermal output: 32 kW, Max. air temperature: 30, Damper register - items: 1, Exhaust air m³/h: min 500, Lösungsmittelmenge g/min: 160, Year :2000

Category: 208 lacquer machines
Date: 06.02.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 166023587


check Bödeker Holzbearbeitungsmaschinen GmbH
Location: Land-de

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Manufacturer: Rippert, Type: Düsentrockner, Work piece width min-max mm: 1300, Channel length in mm: 14000, Revisionsklappen: yes, Gehäuse Wärmeisoliert mm: yes, Kanaltemperatur Grad: max.80, Ex geschützt: yes, Gesamthöhe mm : 2500, Temperature regulation: yes, Druckdifferrenzschalter: yes, Min.-max. workpiece height in mm: 10-80, Working widht max mm: 1300, Working height in mm: +/-950, Conveyor lenght mm: 14500, Through running hight mm: 100, Feedin speed m/min: 5-15, Belt conveyor: yes, Air speed in jets: ca.20, Round nozzle: yes, Heated by: Warmwasser, Damper register - items: 1, 1st Damper register kW: ca.70,

Category: 204 grinding machines wood
Date: 06.02.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 166022329


check Bödeker Holzbearbeitungsmaschinen GmbH
Location: Land-de

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Manufacturer: Rippert, Type: ST 80 2500 R, Working widht max mm: 2000, Max. working depth in mm: 800, rotations rpm: 2900, Engine power kW: 1,5, Flow rate approx. m3/h: 1600, Working height in mm: 835, FREE TEXT: 2 Staubkästen/Filterreiniung,

Category: 209 other wood working machines
Date: 06.02.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 166024166
New in: 1995


check Bödeker Holzbearbeitungsmaschinen GmbH
Location: Land-de

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Manufacturer: Rippert, Type: Absaugventilator, Year: ca.1995, Diameter intake mm: 155 , Engine power kW: 1,3, Flow rate approx. m3/h: 1500, rotations rpm: 2860, Direkt drive: yes, Wight approx. kg: 60, Required space L x W x H mm: 800 x800 500, Vorführung möglich: yes, Year :ca.1995

Category: 209 other wood working machines
Date: 06.02.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 166024167
New in: 1995


check Bödeker Holzbearbeitungsmaschinen GmbH
Location: Land-de

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Manufacturer: Rippert, Type: N-355 B, Year: 1995, Diameter intake mm: 355, Engine power kW: 3, Flow rate approx. m3/h: 3000-6000, rotations rpm: 1415, Direkt drive: yes, Pressing: 1080, Wight approx. kg: 200, Required space L x W x H mm: 1000 x1000, Year :1995

Category: 208 lacquer machines
Date: 06.02.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 166023147
New in: 2005


check Bödeker Holzbearbeitungsmaschinen GmbH
Location: Land-de

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Manufacturer: Rippert, Type: IR Vorwärmodul, Year: 2005, Work piece width min-max mm: 1300, Min.-max. workpiece height in mm: 10-80, Working widht max mm: 1300, Number of lamps: 6, Position of lamps: gerade, Power per lamp: ca.3, od distance mm: ca.80, Feeding speed m/min: 3-15, FREE TEXT: Lampen müssen erneuert werden, Year :2005

Category: 208 lacquer machines
Date: 06.02.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 166023407


check Bödeker Holzbearbeitungsmaschinen GmbH
Location: Land-de

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Category: 208 lacquer machines
Date: 06.02.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 166023411
New in: 1995


check Bödeker Holzbearbeitungsmaschinen GmbH
Location: Land-de

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Manufacturer: Rippert, Type: DTK 7000, Year: 1995, Work piece width min-max mm: 1300, Channel length in mm: 15.000, Kanaltemperatur Grad: 56 / 70, Umluftleistung m³/h: 2 x 8.650, Abluftleistung m³/h: 2 x 780, Raumluft m³/h: 2 x 780, Mischluftventilator kW: 2 x 7,5, Thermal output: 2 x 36, Belt conveyor: yes, Air speed in jets: 25, Max. air temperature: 56 / 70, Heated by: Wasser, Damper register - items: 2, Solvent quantity g/min: 2 x 12.390, Year :1995

Category: 208 lacquer machines
Date: 06.02.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 166023418


check Bödeker Holzbearbeitungsmaschinen GmbH
Location: Land-de

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Category: 209 other wood working machines
Date: 06.02.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 162811660


Location: Land-de
Price: 1.250 € add to watchlist

Centrifugal fan, dust extractor fan, fan, extractor, dust fan -for: paint wall, paint booth -Motor: Ex protected -Motor power: 5.0 kW -Speed: 1455 rpm -Connection input: Ø 430 mm -Connection output: Ø 450 mm -Impeller: Ø 660 mm -Dimensions: 1350/900/H1240 mm -Weight: 236 kg -unfortunately no further data available

Category: 209 other wood working machines
Date: 06.02.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 162821412
New in: 1992


Location: Land-de
Price: 550 € add to watchlist

Centrifugal fan, dust extractor fan, fan, extractor, dust fan -Motor power: approx. 3 kW -Connection input: Ø 230 mm -Connection output: 335 x 290 mm -Impeller: Ø 340 mm -Dimensions: 540/580/H660 mm -Weight: 80 kg

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