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Category: 706 beverage machines / Storage tanks
Date: 15.11.2024 add to watchlist
item-No.: 140271791


check Eurolux GmbH & Co.KG
Location: 97753 Karlstadt-Karlburg (bei Würzburg) Land-de
Price: 6.500 € add to watchlist

Flat Bottom Tanks 15.000 Litres in AISI 304 RAUM Manufacturer: Raum Material: V2A - AISI 304, 1.4301 On the Top: with Inlet on the top Surface: inside 2B=IIIC, outside marbled with 2 Transport Hooks Tank Body: with Sample Valve with Temperature Indicator with Clap with Manhole Lid 450x330 with Connector for Level Indicator with Outlet DN 80 Measurements: HxD: 4100 x 2200 mm

Category: 706 beverage machines
Date: 15.11.2024 add to watchlist
item-No.: 312821


check Eurolux GmbH & Co.KG
Location: 97753 Karlstadt(n. Wuerzburg) Land-de
Price: 5.900 € add to watchlist

Cat.-Nr. 11-2920 in a very good condition Manufacturer: Raum Measurements: HxD: 3400 x 2200 mm Material: V2A - AISI 304, 1.4301 Surface: inside 2B=IIIC, outside marbled On the top: with Inlet with 2 x Transport Hooks Tank Body: with Sample Valve with Temperature Indicator with Clap with Manhole Lid 450x330 with Connector for Level Indicator with Outlet DN 80 The price is for one tank. For more Information please contact us under: Phone +49(0)9353-909050 Fax: 09353-9090522, Mobile: 0171-6518248 Subject to prior sale. All prices are valid Ex-Works, excl.VAT. Freight Charges: depending on dimensions and destination.

Category: 706 beverage machines
Date: 07.02.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 166436483
New in: 1978


check VBW Asset Trade Weihenstephan GmbH
Location: freising Land-de

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Pressure tank with conical head and central outlet, additional tangentially mounted inlet/outle and manhole, upper dished head., Additional title: cylindroconical tank, Volume: 10000 l, Working pressure: 3 bar, Width: 2,3 m, Height: 4,3 m, Weight: 1000 kg, Material: stainless steel, Position: vertical, Base construction: on feet, Features: central outlet, additional tangential inlet/outlet, manhole

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