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Category: 201 saws wood / Cut-off saws
Date: 26.11.2024 add to watchlist
item-No.: 161361074
New in: 1989


check Chicagowood Malax
Location: Land-fi
Price: 17.900 € add to watchlist

RANDEK SP700 Cross-cut saw Production: Randek, Sweden Year of construction: 1989 SN 1989-02-08 in good condition Randek's SP700 series is a reliable saw designed for manufacturers of roof trusses. Manufacturer of roof trusses and houses all over the world. The SP700 saw is effective, easy to use and accurate. She has been on the market for a long time. has been on the market for a long time and is constantly in close contact with our customers many customers. The saw blade of this semi-automatic saw supports oblique cuts, that is, it can make all the cuts you need. The large saw blade diameter (700 mm) also allows you to make several sections of woodpiles to cut at the same time. - Bevel cuts from 0° to 360° - Cutting heights up to 250 mm, three boards can be cut per cutting cycle - PLC programmable saw - Fixation of the wood near the cutting area for a precise cut  ...

Category: 201 saws wood / Cut-off saws
Date: 26.11.2024 add to watchlist
item-No.: 161361073
New in: 1991


check Chicagowood Malax
Location: Land-fi
Price: 19.500 € add to watchlist

RANDEK SP700 Cross-cut saw Production: Randek, Sweden Year of construction: 1990 in good condition Randek's SP700 series is a reliable saw designed for manufacturers of roof trusses. Manufacturer of roof trusses and houses all over the world. The SP700 saw is effective, easy to use and accurate. She has been on the market for a long time. has been on the market for a long time and is constantly in close contact with our customers many customers. The saw blade of this semi-automatic saw supports oblique cuts, that is, it can make all the cuts you need. The large saw blade diameter (700 mm) also allows you to make several sections of woodpiles to cut at the same time. - Bevel cuts from 0° to 360° - Cutting heights up to 250 mm, three boards can be cut per cutting cycle - PLC programmable saw - Fixation of the wood near the cutting area for a precise cut Roller conve ...

Category: 201 saws wood / Cut-off saws
Date: 26.11.2024 add to watchlist
item-No.: 161361071
New in: 1989


check Chicagowood Malax
Location: Land-fi
Price: 14.900 € add to watchlist

RANDEK SP700 Cross-cut saw Production: Randek, Sweden Year of construction: 1989 in good condition, cleaned and checked Randek's SP700 series is a reliable saw designed for manufacturers of roof trusses. Manufacturer of roof trusses and houses all over the world. The SP700 saw is effective, easy to use and accurate. She has been on the market for a long time. has been on the market for a long time and is constantly in close contact with our customers many customers. The saw blade of this semi-automatic saw supports oblique cuts, that is, it can make all the cuts you need. The large saw blade diameter (700 mm) also allows you to make several sections of woodpiles to cut at the same time. - Bevel cuts from 0° to 360° - Cutting heights up to 250 mm, three boards can be cut per cutting cycle - PLC programmable saw - Fixation of the wood near the cutting area for a precis ...

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