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Dionex ICS 2000 Ion Chromatograph
AGILENT 240 Z with graphite YOM 2020 AGILENT 240 Z with graphite YOM 2022 Both have the following configuration: 1.240Z main machine 2. PSD 120TGA autosampler 3.120TGA graphite power 4. Computer and software 5. Chiller 6. Test elements lamps, graphite tube, sample cup.
Agilent 7890A +5975C+7683(100 tray) with SSL + PTV inlet. And with pump. Agilent 7890A +5975C+7693(150 tray) with SSL + PTV inlet. And with pump. Both in very good condition.
1. PE 200 AAS, tipo a fiamma.(con schermo di controllo, potrebbe funzionare senza o con computer) 2. PE 400 AAS.(senza schermo di controllo) 3. PE 900Z, tipo grafite. Tutti in ottime condizioni e set completo di computer e accessori necessari.
Agilent GC 6890N, Detector WLD Option: Extension with FID Injector: Split/Splitless with EPC LAN connection Agilent Chemstation B04.03
Agilent 5975C inert MSD with GC 6890N Agilent 5975 C inert MSD, Agilent GC 6890 N Pfeiffer Turbomolecular Pump, Electronic Ionization/EI ; GC Injector Split/splitless, EPC, LAN Agilent Backing Pump, Software Agilent MSD Chemstation for Win10
Perkin Elmer HS 40, Headspace sampler for 40 vials, max. temperature + 210 Celsius, min. +35 Celsius, fits all gas chromator graphs,
AGILENT GC 7890B. The MOF of it is around 2016.
Agilent 1200 HPLC system consisting of: Agilent 1200 G 1312B SL binary HPLC pump (up to 600 bar) Agilent 1200 G 1315B Diode Array Detector Agilent 1200 G 1316 B TLC SL Colcom/column thermostat Agilent 1200 G 1379 Degasser Agilent 1200 G 1330 Thermostat for Autosampler Agilent 1200 G 1367D Autosampler Hip ALS SL + on request with Agilent Chemstation/Warranty
Hitachi LaChrom L 7485 Fluorescence Detector Excitation 200-850 nm Emission 250-900 nm Autozero analytical flow cell
Agilent 5973 N inert MSD with GC Agilent 6890 N Network Agilent 5973 inert MSD with EI and turbomolecular pump enhanced BOC Edwards Turbopump Agilent GC 6890 Network with Split/Splitless Injector/EPC Edwards Vacuum Pump 1.5 MSD Productivity Chemstation E02.02 on PC/Win 10 NIST on request Option: Agilent Liquid Sampler, CTC or Gerstel MPS2 Sampler currently maintained/with warranty Installation on request
Agilent 5975C XL inert MSD with Agilent GC 6890 N GC Agilent 6890 N, Injector Split/Splitless, MSD 5975 C inert XL with EI,Turbopump,Fastscan Edwards Backing Vacuum Pump 1.5 Agilent Productivity Chemstation E02.02 on PC/Win 10 complete with all cables, Option: Agilent Liquid Sampler, Sampler/ CTC or Gerstel MPS 2) The system is ready for installation and ready for operation current service Installation at extra charge on request
Instrument for gas chromatography AGILENT mod. GC/ MS 7890/5975 Including: Agilent 7890GC Agilent 5975 C MSD EI Source and Diffusion pump Injector Tray etc. Refubished
AGILENT HP 6890N System Agilent 6890N Gas Chromatogtaph Single FID detector Single Split/Splitless Inlet Agilent / HP 7683 Injector Agilent/HP 7683 Tray PC with preinstalled Chemstation software Refurbished
Varian Saturn 2100 T GC/MS system, used Ion trap with Turbo molecular pump Measurement range: 10-650 amu EGG Varian DS 102 backing vacuum pump complete with PC, LCD monitor, and software as well as NIST library Option autosampler: Varian 8400,CTC GC PAL or CTC PAL wagon