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(troisième niveau de catégorie)
(Catégorie: 706)
Including 2 buffers Tubes Engines Important: auger is missing This machine is a Spiromatic Spid3 control panel, probably for the management and dosing of raw materials from silos in a food or industrial production environment. What can this machine do? • Controls and manages multiple silos (as seen on the "SILO 1" and "SILO 2" buttons). • Has a manual dosing function ("MANUAL DOSING"). • Ability to set programs and adjust parameters via the keypad. • Connected to a pneumatic or mechanical conveying system to feed raw materials to a production process. Manufacturer: Spiromatic, a Belgian company specializing in storage systems and automation for the food industry.
Cuve à vin/cuve de stockage RSM de 85 700 litres, ronde, en V2A Réf. : 24-0149 État : Nouveau Nombre de pièces : 5 KK UNI-ACKER Taille: Hauteur totale : 12 850 mm Diamètre : 3 000 mm Hauteur de la gaine : 12 000 mm Épaisseur: Fond 3 mm Gaine 3-2 mm Couvercle 3 mm Composé de : Plancher plat pour socle en béton incliné à 3 %, y compris anneau d’ancrage au sol conformément à la réglementation européenne en cas de tremblements de terre et de tempêtes (les parties de l’anneau d’ancrage doivent être soudées sur place par le client). Buse DN100 DIN 11.851 dans le couvercle (pour le montage de la lumière du côté du client, lumière non incluse) Dom 400 mm en 1.4404 avec jointtrès stable Porte pleine Laveggi A4 (épaisseur du bord du cadre 12 mm) sans bras pivotant Double enveloppe soudée au laser 2xh 1250x9330 à 8.75m2 av ...
Séparateur ALFA LAVAL pour la bière, les jus de fruits, le vin, le cidre, les jus de légumes, le thé, le café, pour les agrumes et les fruits tropicaux pour la pectine Séparateur de clarificateur Capacité : 15 000 litres /h UNI-AFF UNI 047-500 Métrique: Hauteur : 3000 mm Longueur : 4000 mm Largeur : 3000 mm La documentation, le mode d’emploi et les livres de test sont disponibles !
N° de catalogue : 22-5075L Séparateur ALFA LAVAL pour la bière, les jus de fruits, le vin, les jus de légumes, le thé, le café, les agrumes et les fruits tropicaux pour la pectine Capacité : 15.000 litres par heure Type : BRPX 617SFV-31CGL-50 N/S : 4019287 Occasion – en très bon état VIN KK UNI Matériau V2A (AISI 304) 1.4301 Mensurations: Hauteur : 3000 mm Longueur : 4000 mm Largeur : 3000 mm
RÉSERVOIR DE STOCKAGE DE 20 000 LITRES / RÉSERVOIR SOUS PRESSION / RÉSERVOIR DE BIÈRE GRESSER N° CAT : 24-0576EUBA MJ UNI KAR Lien vers le produit : https://eurolux.de/product/24-0576euba-20000-liter-lagertank-drucktank -biertank-gresser Spécifications Surface extérieure 2B = sol IIIC Fabricant : Gresser Surface à l’intérieur du sol 2B = IIIC Matériau V2A (AISI 304) 1.4301 Volume 20000 L Hauteur totale 4600 mm Hauteur du cylindre 3000 mm Diamètre 2700 mm Pression de service 0,99 bar Plage de température de fonctionnement 20 C Conception verticale Année de fabrication 1991 Nombre de pieds 4 Aliment de dernière utilisation Documentation technique N° Couche arable: Fond de clapet 2 œillets de grue Douilles filetées Cylindre de réservoir : Trou d’homme ovale 440 x 430 mm Robinet de dégustation Crochets d’échelle ...
Réservoir d’eau d’extinction de 120 000 litres/réservoir de stockage/réservoirs en acier/citernes d’eau Réservoirs de stockage/ réservoirs en acier/ réservoirs d’eau d’extinction/ citernes d’eau avec revêtement de pièces de monnaie rouge sans danger pour les aliments Capacité : 120 000 litres UNI-BWK Chat. Réf. 24-0579EUBA Lien vers le produit : https://eurolux.de/product/24-0579euba-120000-liter-loschwassertanklag ertankstahltankswasserzisternen Dimensions et poids : Ges. Hauteur : 17 200 mm Cyl. Hauteur : 15 230 mm Diamètre : 3 100 mm Couche arable: Avec fond incurvé Avec 4 œillets de grue Avec 2 manchons de raccordement 1" Avec 1 manchon de raccordement 2" Avec bride centrale DN 150 Avec trou d’homme DN 200 Avec 1 languette de retenue pour plate-forme de course Cylindre: Avec trou d’h ...
RÉSERVOIR DE STOCKAGE DE 3 150 LITRES https://eurolux.de/product/23-0274euba-3150-liter-storage-tank MJ UNI-PFU Hauteur totale : 4600 mm Hauteur du cylindre : 4000 mm Diamètre : 1000 mm Couche arable: avec fond de canette avec buses filetées DN50 et DN65 avec trou d’homme DN50 dans le couvercle Cylindre: avec indicateur de niveau sans échelle en plastique avec buse filetée DN65 avant avec robinet de dégustation avec manchon de tige de trempage pour l’affichage de la température Sous-sol: avec fond de canette avec tuyau d’évacuation résiduelle DN65 tiré vers l’avant
N° DE CATALOGUE : 23-0078 https://eurolux.de/product/23-0078-meura-sudhaus-kleinsudhaus-kleinbra uerei-65-hl COMME UNI HÖRN Brewhouse chauffée à la vapeur pour un 6,5 hl. Grâce à la cuve intermédiaire chauffable, 13 hl sont possibles dans la double infusion. Un équipement de cave de fermentation composé d’une cuve de fermentation de 10 hl et de 2 cuves isolées et refroidissables de 6,8 hl est également proposé.
52 100 LITRES RÉSERVOIR DE VIN MOUSSEUX RIEGER SOUS PRESSION / RÉSERVOIR DE STOCKAGE 8 BAR AVEC MÉLANGEUR LATÉRAL, PIED ROND EN V2A / RÉSERVOIR À SELLE https://eurolux.de/product/24-0515euba-52100-liter-rieger-sektdrucktan k-lagertank-8-bar-mit-seitlichem-ruhrwerksmixer-rund-stehend-aus-v2a-s atteltank Fabricant : RIEGER Epaisseur de paroi cylindrique 11 mm Surface à l’intérieur 2B = IIIC poncé Surface marbrée à l’extérieur Volume 52100 L Matériau V2A (AISI 304) 1.4301 Hauteur totale 8000 mm Hauteur du cylindre 5500 mm Diamètre 3250 mm Pression de service 8 bar Température de fonctionnement 20 C Agitateur Agitateur Agitateur Hélice Agitateur Conception verticale Nombre de pieds 5 Pièces en contact avec le produit : Oui Aliment de dernière utilisation Documentation technique Oui AS UNI-RILL 047-500 Couche arable: Klöpperbod ...
52 100 LITRES RÉSERVOIR DE VIN MOUSSEUX RIEGER SOUS PRESSION / RÉSERVOIR DE STOCKAGE 8 BAR AVEC MÉLANGEUR LATÉRAL, PIED ROND EN V2A / RÉSERVOIR DE BASE https://eurolux.de/product/24-0514euba-52100-liter-rieger-sektdrucktan k-lagertank-8-bar-mit-seitlichem-ruhrwerksmixer-rund-stehend-aus-v2a-b asistank Epaisseur de paroi cylindrique 11 mm Surface à l’intérieur 2B = IIIC poncé Surface marbrée à l’extérieur Fabricant : RIEGER Volume 52100 L Matériau V2A (AISI 304) 1.4301 Hauteur totale 8000 mm Hauteur du cylindre 5500 mm Diamètre 3250 mm Pression de service 8 bar Température de fonctionnement 20 C Agitateur Agitateur Agitateur Hélice Agitateur Conception verticale Année de construction 1994 Nombre de pieds 6 Aliment de dernière utilisation Pièces en contact avec le produit : Oui Documentation technique Oui AS UNI-RILL 047-500 C ...
CUVE DE STOCKAGE/CUVE À VIN DE 9 500 LITRES EN V2A, AVEC CADRE ROBUSTE, OVALE LONG https://eurolux.de/product/24-0505euba-9500-liter-lagertank-weintank-a us-v2a-mit-stabilem-rahmegestell-langovalliegend Spécifications Surface à l’intérieur 2B = IIIC poncé Surface marbrée à l’extérieur Matériau V2A (AISI 304) 1.4301 Largeur 1730 mm Hauteur totale 2750 mm Profondeur 3700 mm Conception ovale-horizontale Nombre de pieds 4 Aliment de dernière utilisation EN TANT QU’UNI-RILL Devant: Indicateur de niveau avec bande et échelle (raccordement) Trou d’homme ovale 400 x 350 mm Robinet de dégustation 1/2 pouce Sas DN 50 Drain clair DN 50 Drain résiduel DN 50 Pieds réglables en hauteur avec dômes et rondelles
9 réservoirs ZKT Marque : Holvrieka Année de fabrication 1997 240 hl net
Overview The crate washer was manufactured in 2000 by the German company Bohrer. It is located at a German brewery and was part of a plant that has been shut down as it was replaced by a completely new line. In autumn 2024 the line was stopped and the machine was dismantled and stored. Technical Details Capacity: up to 2,000 crates/hour (can be adjusted from 500 - 2,500 crates/hour) Formats: crate of 12 bottles 700ml 356 x 275 x 346 travel direction crosswise crate of 20 bottles 250ml 360 x 275 x 255 travel direction crosswise crate of 20 bottles 500ml 400 x 300 x 290 travel direction crosswise crate of 20 bottles 500ml 400 x 333 x 260 travel direction crosswise Horizontal and vertical spray nozzles Spraying with hot caustic and fresh water Caustic heater with temperature regulation is integrated in the machine Machine is heated by steam Dimensions: Length: 4800mm Width: 900mm Heig ...
Overview This canning machine from UK manufacturer Innovus Engineering was built in 2021. It has been well maintained with regular servicing and is in great condition. Tech. Details Capacity: 3500 cans per hour. Can formats 330ml 500ml Can end spec: 202 end spec Dimensions (Floor): 6m x 2m Post Rinser and can blow off Chart Nitrogen Doser (2023) Innovus Automated Can Depalletiser (2021) Can Lowerator: All can sizes (2023) Electronic Manual
Overview The gravity filling machine is a rotating machine that works automatically and is suitable for filling bottles, cans made of zinc sheet or jars. It is used to add liquids (such as brine, oil, vinegar, sauce, sugar water, etc.) into containers filled with solids. It is also used to fill empty bottles. The filler block can be viewed at any time. Technical details Number of filling places: 48 Pitch circle diameter: 1560 mm Capacity (last): 250- 300 bottles/ min at 500ml fruit syrup. For used twist-off cap an additional capper would have to be organized 160 - 200 bottles/ min at 250ml maple syrup Used plastic cap can be applied by installed AROL capper Dimensions Length: 3.000 mm Width: 2.500 mm Height: 2.500 mm Weight: 6.500 kg Electr. characteristics Voltage: 400 V - 50 Hz Auxiliary voltage: 24 V DC Installed power: 20 kW Scope of delivery Filler | ...
Overview The glass bottle filling line was manufactured in 2022 and in use in a brewery in Spain. As the owner is now shifting his production to a contract bottler due to increased volume, this line is for sale. Plant in detail Robot depalletizer | Kuka (Nownology) | KUKA KR 470 PA | 2022 Capacity: 15,000 bph Weight: 470 kg Isobarometric Filler | Nagema | 40/10 | 1990 Completely overhauled/modernised and also equipped with a new control system in 2022 Unused since overhauling Capacity: 9000 bph on 330 ml Number of filling valves: 40 Number of capping elements: 10 Formats: 330 ml and 500 ml Products: beer and CSD Control: Siemens S7 with touch panel Fill level inspection | Heuft | --- | 2022 2x Labeller | ENOS | S5000 | 2022 for self adhesive labels Capacity: 5,000 bph Self-adhesive labels Number of labelling stations: 3 Length: 2.850mm Width: 1.500mm Height: 2.000mm Weig ...
Overview The filtration system was manufactured in 2022 by German company Kaspar Schulz. The filtration system is used to filter beer. Techn. Data Whole Plant Output: 12 -15 hl/l Specific output: 6 hl/m²h Filter surface area: 2.4 m² Trub volume: 48 l Weight empty: approx. 500 kg (net) Dimensions (L x W x H): 2274 mm x 900 mm x 1915 mm Ambient temperature: 0 °C to 40 °C Humidity: 20 % to 80% relative humidity Noise emissions:
Overview This canning machine from American manufacturer, Codi was built in 2022. It has been well maintained with regular servicing and is in great condition. Technical Details Capacity: 3600 cans per hour. Can formats 330ml 440ml Can end spec: 202 end spec Dimensions (Floor): 5m x 1.5m Microcan Infeed and Outfeed table Spare parts available Electronic Manual
Overview This tumbler, type: Injectstar Magnum 1500 is the perfect massaging Unit in a space-saving compact design for processing all types of meat with and without bones. Equipped with loading unit for 200l bins and integrated cooling aggregate. Technical Details Volume of the machine 1500 liter massaging capacity 675 kg Computer control of working and pause mode Automatic loading Automatic unloading Vacuum 0 – 95 % Vacuum system with filter Width 2 800 mm Length 1 500 mm Height 1 950 mm Installed power: 4,7 kW Voltage: 380 V, 50 Hz Weight 1000 kg Scope of delivery Tumbler with cooling and loading| Injectstar | Magnum 1500 | 1998
Overview The bottle cleaning machine was built by the German company Krones in 2011. It was in operation at a large beverage producer until last and is still assembled. Technical details Capacity: 20,000 bph Formats: 0,25l and 0,75l Number of bottles per row: 22 Siemens S7 Equipment Label discharge Rotary spraying Continuous machine Stainless steel body Documentation Software backup Stainless steel pumps Conductivity measurement Finger task Spare parts Bottle cell tips Bottle cell supports
Overview This CESPEDES 117-z 118-z brewing system was manufactured in 2015 and has a wort capacity of 20 HL. It consists of a 2-vessel system in German style with mash tun and lauter tun and is heated by a steam generator with a capacity of 300 kg/h. The system is in very good condition and can be demonstrated in operation at any time. Technical details Brewing plant Manufacturer: CESPEDES Model: 117-z 118-z Year of construction: 2015 Capacity: 20 HL Heating: Steam powered (requires external steam generator) Control: PLC touchscreen (3.5) for controlling mashing and boiling Additional components Hot water tank (HLT): Cylindrical, vertical, insulated Capacity: 2,000 L Material: AISI 304 stainless steel (2 mm thick) Helical pump: Capacity range: 1,000 to 6,000 L/h With frequency converter for adjustable flow rate Plate heat exchanger: Model: UFP-34/65 H Output: 172 kW Steam generator M ...
Overview The CIP system from Diversey is used for stationary cleaning of filling machines and processing equipment in the beverage industry. This unit was developed between 2015 and 2017 and is now for sale as the customer quit the purchasing contract. Therefore it was not in use. It is properly stored and can be installed and implemented into an existing circuit by Diversey technicians. Furthermore there is the possibility to adapt the P&ID to the customers needs. The CIP unit itself has no operator panel, as it will be implemented as slave system into the controle of a filling machine or other machine to be cleaned. It can be connected to an Allen Bradley control system. It is installed in a stainless steel base frame and has a 500l tank. There are four pumps for the dosing of cleaning and disinfection media. Furthermore there is a heat exchanger heated by steam. In addition th ...
Overview The brewhouse was built in 2010 by German manufacturer Kaspar Schulz and then expanded in 2014 with additional new equipment. The brewhouse has already been professionally dismantled and is immediately available. The full documentation and layouts are available upon request. Technical details Rash wort: 30 hl Production capacity: Maximum 8 brews in 24 hours Fully automatized (despite hop dosage) Steam heated Gentle-Boil method (SchoKo) Scope of delivery 2 malt silos 4 roller mill | 800 kg/h Brewhouse BRAUBLOCK 30 hl Mash tun Pre-flow vessel/ lauter tun Wort kettle/ whirlpool Hot water tank (HWT) 90 HL Plate cooler Wort aeration, Spent grains pump
Overview This This tumbler, type: Dorit VV-7-2000-B is the perfect massaging unit. Ideal unit for butcher, shops or restaurants and hotels, as well as units for medium and large industrial processors. Technical details Output: approx. 1000 kg/h (depends on the product) Scope of delivery Tumbler | VV-7-2000-B | Dorit | 1998
Overview The labeler was manufactured in 2013 by the German manufacturer Gernep. The machine was regularly maintained by OEM and had a full renovation in the end of 2019. The labeler is already dismantled. Technical details Output: approx. 8,500 bottles/h Formats 33 cl Vichy – Longneck – 30 cl BNR ; Neck, front and back label. 2 different front label format parts 33 cl longneck; 75 cl Bierre Belge bottle Corked; Neck, front and back label. Stainless steel bottom frame Rotation: clockwise Right to left bottle transport 5912 running hours Air driven glue pumps replaced by electrical driven glue pumps.
Overview This blow moulder was built in 2003 by French manufacturer Sidel. The machine is in very good condition and fully operational. It is still installed and can be viewed in person at any time. Techn. Details Capacity: 12,000 bph Number of molds: 8 Quick change for shell mold Bottle neck: PCO 28mm, 1881 (short-neck) Scope of delivery Blow moulder | SIDEL | SBO 8 Series 2 | 2003 Preform tipper Preform silo Elevator Unscrambler Slide Without molds and chiller
Overview The atmospheric filler was manufactured in 2016 by the Italian manufacturer GAI and used in a Belgian brewery. Technical details Capacity: 6,000 bottles/h Formats 330 ml Number of valves: 16
Overview This can fillier from British manufacturer Micro Can was built in 2022. It has been well maintained with regular servicing and is in outstanding condition. It has seen very little use. Tech. Details Capacity: 2,200 cans per hour. Can formats 330ml 440ml 500ml Can end spec: 202 (200 end conversion kit - 250ml, 330ml sleek conversion kit can be purchased from the manufacturer) Dimensions (Floor): 12m x 2m Added bonus of UK engineering support (cost at buyer expense) Scope of delivery Can filler | Micro Can Infeed and outfeed table | Micro Can Date coder | Linx 10
Overview This monobloc of this filling line was constructed by Salvador Galimany in 2003. It operates perfectly and has been well-maintained. Currently, it is stored in a wine cellar without being dismantled, and the owner is selling this machine as it is no longer needed due to production changes. The Line consists of: Filler with 10 valves Screw cap (Pilfer cap) 31.5x24mm Corker for natural corks Capsulator Labeller for self-adhesive labels Technical Specs Capacity: 1,500 bph (on 0,75 l) Formats: Burgundy Rhin Bordelaise Nymeria (vermouth) Laurel Special (pumpkin)
Overview This swing loader, type: ITEC 27200 was built in 2013 in Germany. Perfect for BigBox -tipping. In very good condition. Technical Details Length: 2350 mm Width: 2000 mm Height H1: 1900 mm Height H2: 3300 mm Tip-height: 1200 mm Transfer-height: 1040 mm Box measurements: 1200 1000 800 mm Max. box-weight: 1000 kg Weight: 650 kg Scope of delivery Swing loader for BigBOX | ITEC | 27200 | 2013