

Kategoria: 706 maszyny do napojów
Najnowsza aktualizacja: 16.06.2024 Dodaj do listy oglądania
Numer pozycji: 163310438
Rok produkcji: 1994


check Sprzedawca: Used Bottling Lines
Lokalizacja: Land-it

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Used filling line for CSD and still drinks up to 4000 bph Bottles PET and Glass In the packaging industry versatility is key This filling line handles both PET and glass bottles This double compatibility allows for great flexibility in production adapting to different market needs Filling Capacity of the used filling line for CSD and still drinks The filling capacity varies according to the size of the bottles With 0 5 liter bottles the capacity reaches 4 000 units per hour For 1 0 liter bottles the capacity drops to 3 000 while for 1 5 liter bottles it stands at 2 500 This production scale adapts to different sizes of operations ensuring efficiency and flexibility Format Molds present in the used filling line for CSD and still drinks Format molds are a crucial element in these lines This line features three interchangeable molds for PET and glass covering the most common sizes of 0 5 1  ...

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RESALE used machinery 25 years online