

Категория: 402 упаковочные машины
Последнее обновление: 16.06.2024 добавить в список избранного
Номер позиции: 163514082
Год выпуска: 2002


Продавец: Exapro
Местоположение: Land-pl
Цена: 142.000 € добавить в список избранного

SUGAR PACKING LINE HF -100 by ICA. High-performance mandrel machine for packing sugar, flour, cereals and rice from rolls of wrapping paper. Longitudinal glued seam at the back of the bag. Special closure of the top of the bag to protect against product spillage. 1. capacity of max 100 bags of 1 kg / min. 2. automatic (pneumatic) feeding to the line of the product from packs of 25, 50 kg or Big Bags or in bulk from silos filled directly from trucks (there are 4 silos). 3. packaging (bags) produced automatically from a printed paper roll, one-sided glazed wrapping paper (MG Kraft) with a weight of 75 to 110 g / m2 4. sugar dispenser with automatically supervised weighing. The line includes: 1. packaging line with bag making attachment 2. belt conveyor for filled bags. 3. metal detector 4.Bundling machine with adjustable number of bags from 2 to 12. 5.Tunnel for gluing bundl ...

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