

Категория: 404 упаковочные машины для картона
Последнее обновление: 05.06.2024 добавить в список избранного
Номер позиции: 163514227
Год выпуска: 2022


Продавец: Exapro
Местоположение: Land-es
Цена: 12.000 € добавить в список избранного

Henan Daheng Machinery company model DHZH-130 Cartoning machine purchased in 2022 with commissioning done. Initially it was purchased to place a product inside 70mm (width) x 130mm (height) x 240mm (length) boxes, although it can be adjusted for other measurements. Box forming machine to introduce any type of product into 70x130x240 boxes automatically, brand new. The product is placed on the conveyor belt and the mechanized cardboard (boxes) at the other end. With the automatic counting function on the conveyor belt, the number of product units needed to enter a box is counted. This option is now with a conveyor belt and another input could be attached if necessary depending on the product. Once there are the desired units (1 to 20) the tape moves and is inserted into part 2 of the machine. While this action is taking place, the machine has already formed the boxes (formed) and when  ...

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