Categoria: 109 outras máquinas para trabalhar o metal
Última atualização: 20.09.2024 adicionar à lista de observados
Número do item: 162817450


Localização: Land-de

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Steel products, flat steel, round steel, bar steel, tubes, profile tubes, square tubes, rectangular tubes, sheets, shaped steel, wide flange beams, narrow flange beams, plates, structural steel, rolled steel, drawn steel, I-beams -For our customers in the area, we offer material cut-to-size and contract manufacturing and a large selection of materials in stock -Sheets, pipes, profiles, bars and sections made of steel, stainless steel and non-ferrous metals such as aluminum, brass and gunmetal

Categoria: 109 outras máquinas para trabalhar o metal
Última atualização: 20.09.2024 adicionar à lista de observados
Número do item: 162817452


Localização: Land-de

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Steel products, flat steel, round steel, bar steel, tubes, profile tubes, square tubes, rectangular tubes, sheets, shaped steel, wide flange beams, narrow flange beams, plates, structural steel, rolled steel, drawn steel, I-beams -For our customers in the area, we offer material cut-to-size and contract manufacturing and a large selection of materials in stock -Sheets, pipes, profiles, bars and sections made of steel, stainless steel and non-ferrous metals such as aluminum, brass and gunmetal

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