Номер позиции: 159676898 удален из базы данных!

10 подобные машины:

Машина: DMG MORI DMU 50 Ecoline
Год выпуска: 2012
Продавец: Land-fr Exapro
Цена: 96.500 €

DMG Mori DMU 50 Ecoline 5 axis machining center Machine is in good working condition 10,000 RPM DirectDrive engine Control Unit HEIDENHAIN TNC620 32 Sets of Magazines Tool measuring probe . Chip conveyor . Tool measuring probe . It has automatic track reset feature. It has been serviced by DMG service. Since we know the history of the machine, the previous operations are as follows. -B axis Brake changed -Z axis Ball Screw changed -Y axis Slide + Car ball screw has changed. -Y axis ruler changed. We have all the service records

Машина: DMG MORI CTX 310 Ecoline
Год выпуска: 2012
Продавец: Land-tr Pyramid Mühendislik

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