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Category: 1200 machines and plants for process engineering
Date: 09.02.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 166271453


check Foeth
Location: Barneveld The Netherlands Land-nl

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General SKU408S978 LocationBarneveld MakeKoruma Maschinenbau GmbH (D) TypeDisho In-Line 0/100 No.5389 Year of construction1995 Main Features MaterialStainless steel Motor5.5 KW Inlet diameter32 mm Rotor100 mm Specified Features - Inline mixer Continuous reactorIn Line Dispersing and Homogenising Rotor sizesdia. 100 InletDN32 OutletDN32 With mechanical sealcheck Motor5,5 kW 400 Volt Rotor speed2885 rpm With vesselcheck Capacity40 ltr. Vessel sizesdia. 390x400mm with stirrer 0,55 kW 230/400 Volt 309-1539 rpm MaterialStainless steel 1.4571 (316Ti) Inline high shear mixers InletDN32 OutletDN32 With mechanical sealcheck Motor5,5 kW 400 Volt Speed2885 rpm With propellor stirrercheck Motor0,55 kW 230/400 Volt With variable speed drivecheck Speed309-1539 rpm Information Mounted on framecheck With switchcheck Weight200 Kg Floorspace1,2x0,6 M Total height1,7 ...

Category: 1200 machines and plants for process engineering
Date: 09.02.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 165529670


check Foeth
Location: Barneveld The Netherlands Land-nl

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General SKU252W328 LocationBarneveld MakeFryma Koruma TypeVME-120/C No.100497 Year of construction2002 Pressure Vacuum possiblecheck Working pressure jacket4 Bar Main Features MaterialStainless steel Volume120 Ltr. Motor15 KW Specified Features - Processing vessel MaterialStainless steel 1.4435 (316L) Closed stirring vesselcheck Capacity226 Ltr. (netto 120 Ltr.) Vessel sizesDia. 900x650 mm Dished bottomcheck Hollow bottomcheck Flat top sidecheck With covercheck Top connectionscheck Outlet2x 40 mm, 1x 80 mm With jacketcheck Volume 28 ltr. Max. temperature140°C With anchor stirrercheck Motor3,0 kW, 400 volt, 1410 rpm Speed mixing shaft27 rpm With homogenisercheck Motor15 kW, 1460 rpm Information Mounted on legscheck With switchgearcheck (as is) Weight2000 kg CEcheck Floorspace3,45x1,50 m Total height2,10 m Extra Specifications- With hydraulic unit.  ...

Category: 1200 machines and plants for process engineering
Date: 09.02.2025 add to watchlist
item-No.: 164706572


check Foeth
Location: Barneveld The Netherlands Land-nl

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General SKU275W414 LocationBarneveld MakeRomaco AG, FrymaKoruma TypeVE III Pressure Vacuum possiblecheck Main Features MaterialStainless steel Motor2.2 KW Specified Features - Deaerators Vacuum de-aeratorcheck Vessel capacity285 Ltr. Vessel diameter806 mm Max. temperature100°C With centrifugal disccheck Motor2,2 kW, 230/400 Volt, 940 rpm With vacuum pumpcheck Sihi Lemb b91 Motor2,2kW, 230/400 Volt, 2885 rpm MaterialStainless steel 1.4404 (316L) Information Year of construction2006 Floorspace1x2,5 m Total height2,5 m Number100801DeaeratorsRomaco KorumaDe-aerators > DeaeratorsBrand > Romaco Koruma What you can expect from Foeth: -- Machine is in working condition -- At a reduced price compared to new -- Ready for shipping to any destination worldwide -- You are welcome to inspect the machine in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit us in Barneveld for many more ...

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