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4x3 1
4x4 1
Category: 2200 surplus goods
Date: 08.10.2024 add to watchlist
item-No.: 164826366


RIESA Outlet GmbH
Location: Land-de
Price: 250 € add to watchlist

Telescopic rung ladder made of aluminium 4x4 rungs Can be used as a stepladder and leaning ladder Can be folded in the middle by means of automatically locking steel hinges Both outer parts can be telescoped from rung to rung Tapered handlebar guide for a secure stand Min. working height: 3.6 m Max. working height: 5.3 m Ladder length as lean-to ladder min.: 2.5 m Ladder length as lean-to ladder max.: 4.2 m Ladder length as stepladder min.: 1.28 m Ladder length as stepladder max.: 2 m Goods with water stains Price indication refers to individual conductors

Category: 2200 surplus goods
Date: 08.10.2024 add to watchlist
item-No.: 164826365


RIESA Outlet GmbH
Location: Land-de
Price: 220 € add to watchlist

Aluminium rung telescopic ladder 4x3 rungs Can be used as a stepladder and leaning ladder Can be folded in the middle by means of automatically locking steel hinges Both outer parts can be telescoped from rung to rung Tapered handlebar guide for a secure stand Min. working height: 3.05 m Max. working height: 4.2 m Ladder length as a single ladder min.: 1.95 m Ladder length as a single ladder max.: 3.1 m Ladder length as stepladder min.: 980 mm Ladder length as stepladder max.: 1.5 m Goods with water stains Price indication refers to individual conductors

Category: 2200 surplus goods
Date: 23.08.2024 add to watchlist
item-No.: 164811867


RIESA Outlet GmbH
Location: Land-de
Price: 42 € add to watchlist

Gantry ladder / stepladder / easel ladder made of aluminium Comfortable steps for safe mounting and dismounting Non-slip foot caps for a secure stand Height: 910 mm Working height: 2.45 m Step depth: 80 mm Outer width: 460 mm Goods with water stains Price indication refers to individual conductors

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