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Macchina usata Turbomill1200
x-travel: 1.370 mm y-travel: 450 mm z-travel: 400 mm Control: SIEMENS Sinumerik 840D CNC-Axes: - linear axis:: X, Y und Z Rotating Axes: A / AB Working area: - Blade length in clamping range: 300 - 800 mm swing dia.: max 450 mm travel: - mm Longitudinal movement column (X-Axis): 1.370 mm Cross movement column (Y-Axis): 450 mm Vertical movement (Z1 and Z11-Axis): 400 mm Rotating axis workpiece (A-Axis): 360 ° Swiveling axis working spindle (B-Axis): 100 mm Feed movement counter spindle (U-Axis): 500 mm Feeds: - X-, Y- and Z-Axis: 0 - 55.000 A-Axis: 0 - 72.000 B-axis: 0 - 18.000 milling spindle: - power capacity: 28 kW Speed range, stepless: 0 - 16.000 min-1 max. torque: 200 Nm min. Torque: 17 Nm spindle cone: HSK-63 DIN 69893 Form A tool changer: - tool numbers: 60 max. tool diameter: 75 mm max. tool diameter: 150 bei freien Nebenpl, mm max. tool length: 290 mm max. tool weight: 6 kg too ...