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Categoria: 703 macchine per la lavorazione di carne e pesce / Macchine per chiusura barattoli
Numero di articolo: 165667074
Anno di costruzione: 1987


check MVRG UG (haftungsbeschränkt) & Co. KG
Luogo: Land-de
Prezzo: VB 8.800 € aggiungi alla lista selezionati

Campo di altezza: fino a 320 mm (versione speciale 460 mm) Capacità produttiva: fino a 20 – 50 lattine al minuto - Adatto per barattoli di latta o combinati, con coperchio in latta di alluminio o a strappo - Torretta rotante e rulliera conica per il posizionamento delle lattine

Categoria: 1200 macchine e impianti per l'ingegneria di processo
Numero di articolo: 166271303


check Foeth
Luogo: Barneveld The Netherlands Land-nl

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General SKU406S975 LocationBarneveld MakeIndosa Maschinenbau AG (CH) TypeV131 No.16.566 Year of construction2006 Main Features Motor0.55 KW Inlet diameter80 mm Number of1 heads Specified Features - Capper MaterialStainless steel Single headcheck Suitable fortins Number of closing heads:1 With motor0.55 kW 220/380 volt Pneumatic operatedcheck CapacityDepends on the product Suitable for bottle/jar dia.60-131 mm Suitable for bottle/jar height25-230 mm Information With switchcheck Weight300 Kg CEcheck Floorspace1x1,2M Total height1,8MCappersIndosaPackaging machines > CappersBrand > Indosa What you can expect from Foeth: -- Machine is in working condition -- At a reduced price compared to new -- Ready for shipping to any destination worldwide -- You are welcome to inspect the machine in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit us in Barneveld for many more machines!

Categoria: 1200 macchine e impianti per l'ingegneria di processo
Numero di articolo: 165269729


check Foeth
Luogo: Barneveld The Netherlands Land-nl

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General SKU422U1333 LocationBarneveld MakeIndosa TypeMatic 125 Mach.No.12924 Main Features MaterialStainless steel Motor1 KW Inlet diameter80 mm Number of12 heads Specified Features - Capper Cappercheck Rotating cappercheck Suitable forcans Number of closing heads:1 With motor0, 55 kW (400 V) Pneumatic operatedcheck Cappers Motor220/380 volt, 1 kW MaterialStainless steel Information Year of construction1984 Mounted in framecheck With switchgearcheck Total height1,80 mtr Floor space1,20 x 1,20 mtr Weight400 kg Extra Specifications12-fold rotation. 1-head can capper. with cabinet with format parts CappersIndosaPackaging machines > CappersBrand > Indosa What you can expect from Foeth: -- Machine is in working condition -- At a reduced price compared to new -- Ready for shipping to any destination worldwide -- You are welcome to inspect the machine in Barneveld,  ...

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